
Visualize pathways from the RetroPath Suite

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

rpviz -- Visualize pathways from the RetroPath Suite


conda create --name <myenv>
conda activate <myenv>
conda install -c brsynth -c conda-forge -c bioconda rpviz

<myenv> has to be replaced by whatever meaningful name that will pleased the user.


Produce the HTML files

python -m rpviz.cli <input-folder> <output-folder>

To view the pathways, open the index.html file outputted in <out-folder> using any web browser.


Using a folder as input:

conda activate <myenv>
python -m rpviz.cli sample/input/as_dir sample/output/as_dir

Using a tar file as input:

conda activate <myenv>
python -m rpviz.cli sample/input/as_tar.tgz sample/output/as_tar

Command line arguments

positional arguments:
  input_rpSBMLs         Input file containing rpSBML files in a 
                        tar archive or a folder.
  output_folder         Output folder to be used. If it does not 
                        exist, an attempt will be made to create 
                        it.It the creation of the folder fails, 
                        IOError will be raised.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --debug               Turn on debug instructions
  --template_folder TEMPLATE_FOLDER
                        Path to the folder containing templates
  --cofactor COFACTOR   File listing structures to consider as 
  --autonomous_html AUTONOMOUS_HTML
                        Optional file path, if provided will 
                        output an autonomous HTML containing
                        all dependancies.

Input expected by the HTML component

Input file expected by the viewer:

  • network.json: should contains 2 variable, namely network and pathways_info.

For developpers


cd <repository>
conda env create -f environment.yaml -n <dev_env>
conda activate <dev_env>
conda develop -n <dev_env> .

Warning: if you do not specify an environment name with -n <dev_env>, then rpviz-dev will be used.


conda deactivate
conda env remove -n <dev_env>


conda activate -n <dev_env>
conda install -conda-forge pytest pytest-mock

Generating local documentation

conda activate -n <dev_env>
conda install -c conda-forge sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme myst-parser 
cd docsource
make clean && make html

JSON objects


Below an overview of the network object expected by the JS viewer:

    "elements": {
        "nodes": [
                "data": {
                    "id": "string",
                    "path_ids": ["string"],
                    "type": "reaction",
                    "label": "string",
                    "all_labels": ["string"],
                    "svg": null,
                    "xlinks": [{"db_name":  "string", "entity_id": "string", "url": "string"}, ...],
                    "rsmiles": "string",
                    "rule_ids": ["string"],
                    "rxn_template_id": "string",
                    "ec_numbers": ["string"],
                    "thermo_dg_m_gibbs": float,
                    "rule_score": float,
                    "uniprot_ids": [{"UID": {"score": float, "target_ID": "string"}}, ...],
                    "smiles": null,
                    "inchi": null,
                    "inchikey": null,
                    "target_chemical": null,
                    "sink_chemical": null,
                    "thermo_dg_m_formation": null, 
                    "cofactor": null
                "data": {
                    "id": "string",
                    "path_ids": ["string"],
                    "type": "chemical",
                    "label": "string",
                    "all_labels": ["string"],
                    "svg": "string",
                    "xlinks": [{"db_name":  "string", "entity_id": "string", "url": "string"}, ...],
                    "rsmiles": null,
                    "rule_ids": null,
                    "rxn_template_id": null,
                    "ec_numbers": null,
                    "thermo_dg_m_gibbs": null,
                    "rule_score": null,
                    "uniprot_ids": null,
                    "smiles": "string",
                    "inchi": "string",
                    "inchikey": "string",
                    "target_chemical": bool,
                    "sink_chemical": bool,
                    "thermo_dg_m_formation": float, 
                    "cofactor": integer
        "edges": [
                "data": {
                    "id": "string",
                    "path_ids": ["string"],
                    "source": "string",
                    "target": "string"

network is composed of 2 types of nodes ("reaction" and "chemical"), and 1 type of edge. What ever the node type, all the keys ('id', 'path_ids', ...) should be present in each node.

reaction node

For reaction node, the content should be:

  • id, (string), required value -- The canonic reaction SMILES of the reactions. It will be use as the unique ID of the node. Example: "id": "[H]OC(=O)C([H])=C([H])C([H])=C([H])C(=O)O[H]>>O=O.[H]Oc1c([H])c([H])c([H])c([H])c1O[H]"
  • path_ids: (list of strings), required values -- The list of unique pathway IDs into which the reaction is involved. It should not contains duplicates. Example: "path_ids": ["rp_3_1", "rp_2_1", "rp_3_2", "rp_1_1"]
  • type, (string), required value -- Should be "reaction" for reaction node. It is this value that define the type of node.
  • label, (string), required value -- The label to be printed for the node.
  • all_labels, (list of strings), optional -- All possible labels for the node.
  • svg, (string), optional value -- SVG depiction of the reaction.
  • xlinks (list of dictionaries), optional -- Crosslinks to the reaction. Each individual crosslink should be described in a dictionary having keys: "db_name", "entity_id", "url".
  • rsmiles, (string), optional -- The canonical reaction SMILES.
  • rule_ids, (list of strings), optional -- The reaction rule IDs.
  • ec_numbers, (list of strings), optional -- The EC numbers.
  • thermo_dg_m_gibbs, (float), optional -- The dG Gibbs energy of the reaction (in mM concentration context).
  • rule_score, (float), optional -- The rule score associated to the reaction rule.
  • smiles, (string), not used -- Value should be null (meaningful for chemical node only).
  • inchi, (string), required value -- Value should be null.
  • inchikey, (string), required value -- Value should be null.
  • target_chemical, (bool), not used -- Value should be null.
  • sink_chemical, (bool), not used -- Value should be null.
  • thermo_dg_m_formation, (string), not used -- Value should be null.
  • cofactor, (string), not used -- Value should be null.

chemical node

For chemical node, the content should be:

  • id, (string), required value -- The InChIKey of the chemical. It will be use as the unique ID of the node.
  • path_ids: (list of strings), required values -- The list of unique pathway IDs into which the chemical is involved. It should not contains duplicates. Example: "path_ids": ["rp_3_1", "rp_2_1", "rp_3_2", "rp_1_1"]
  • type, (string), required value -- Should be "chemical" for chemical node. It is this value that define the type of node.
  • label, (string), required value -- The label to be printed for the node.
  • all_labels, (list of strings), optional -- All possible labels for the node.
  • svg, (string), optional value -- SVG depiction of the entity.
  • xlinks (list of dictionaries), optional -- Crosslinks to the chemical. Each individual crosslink should be described in a dictionary having keys: "db_name", "entity_id", "url".
  • rsmiles, (string), not used -- Value should be null (meaningful for reaction node only).
  • rule_ids, (list of strings), not used -- Value should be null.
  • ec_numbers, (list of strings), not used -- Value should be null.
  • thermo_dg_m_gibbs, (float), not used -- Value should be null.
  • rule_score, (float), not used -- Value should be null.
  • smiles, (string), required value -- The canonic SMILES.
  • inchi, (string), required value -- InChI.
  • inchikey, (string), required value -- InChIKey.
  • target_chemical, (bool), required -- Flag to designate the target. Value should be either false (not the target) or true (it is).
  • sink_chemical, (bool), optional value -- Flag to designate chemical that are available in the sink. Value should be either false (not in the sink) or true (it is).
  • thermo_dg_m_formation, (string), optional value -- The dG of formation of the chemical (in mM concentration context).
  • cofactor, (string), required -- Flag to designate cofactor chemicals (eg: ATP, NADH, ...). Value should be either 0 (not a cofactor) or 1 (it is).


For edge, the content should be:

  • id, (string), required value -- Some unique string to be used as edge ID. To build such ID, follow the convention: A_B where A is the source node ID (eg a chemical node ID) and B is the target node ID (eg a reaction node ID).
  • path_ids: (list of strings), required values -- The list of unique pathway IDs into which the edge is involved in.
  • source: the source node ID.
  • target: the target node ID.


The pathway_info JSON object purpose is to store information related to each pathways. Notice that order of pathway matter: the JS viewer will print the pathways in the order they are given in this object. Here is the content:

    "path_id1": {
        "path_id": "path_id1",
        "nb_steps": interger,
        "node_ids": ["node_id1", "node_id2", ...],
        "edge_ids": ["edge_id1", "edge_id2", ...],
        "scores": {
            "rule_score": float,
            "steps": int,
            "thermo_dg_m_gibbs": float,
            "fba_target_flux": float,
            "global_score": float,
    "path_id2": {...},


  • path_id is the pathway ID,
  • node_ids and edge_ids lists the nodes and edges involved in this pathway,
  • thermo_dg_m_gibbs expresses the thermodynamics of the pathway
  • fba_target_flux is the FBA flux value of the pathway (based on the artificial FBA reaction consuming the target)
  • nb_steps is the number of reactions involved in the pathway
  • scores gives the pathway scores.

Implementation choices

  • If a compound cannot be associated to an inchikey (typically, in the case of a generic compound like NAD-OR-NADP), then the MNX ID is used as ID in the network.json file. If no MNX is available, then an error is logged and the execution is continued.
  • rpSBML file name should end by .xml
  • Target chemical have a SBML ID starting by TARGET

Known bugs and feature requests

Future release TODO

Fix information into the JSON:

  • Fix the URLs for erroneous reaction and chemical crosslinks

Add information into the JSON:

  • Build a dedicated section for sequence crosslinks
  • Add annotation about the rule diameter to reaction nodes
  • Add crosslinks to template reactions used for the rules


  • Thomas Duigou
  • Melchior du Lac


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.txt file for details