
Species distribution modeling of Callipogon relictus

Primary LanguageR

Species distribution modelling for Callipogon relictus

This repository contains scripts and data needed to reproduce the species distribution models published in

Kim S, de Medeiros BAS, ..., Farrell BD. 2018. West Meets East: How Do Rainforest Beetles Become Circum-Pacific? Evolutionary Origin of Callipogon Relictus and Allied Species (Cerambycidae: Prioninae) in the New and Old Worlds. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 125:163–76 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2018.02.019

Contents of this folder:

  1. relictus_distribution_final.txt

    File with locality data for Callipogon relictus

  2. SDM_Callipogon.R

    Runs all models and projections using biomod2, in an utm map projection

  3. plot_projections_lonlat.R

    Transform the results of previous scripts back to latlon to enable plotting pretty maps

  4. plots_expansion_loss.R

    Plots graphs of area expansion and loss (figure 5)

  5. figure_ensemble_projection.R

    Plots figure 4 (ensemble projection to present and one future scenario)

  6. supplementary_plots.R

    Plots all supplementary figures

  7. maxent/

    Directory with maxent program

  8. islands_exclude/

    Directory with kml file containg polygon to exclude islands.


Initially, we excluded Japan and other islands from figure 4 and supplementary maps, but later decided to include them. Files 5 and 6, with suffix w_islands, are modifications of these scripts to include islands in the plots.

*.sh files are slurm scripts to run some of the scripts above in Harvard's Odyssey Cluster.