Hi there! I'm a self-driven and innovative developer with a passion for robotics, computer vision, and automation. With 4 years of experience in Python and Djan
bruunoporto's Following
- Agro-FacilBrazil
- augusto-joao
- basouzars
- Camila-Maia21
- chakravala
- Code-Bullet
- danieleliasvarelaRio de Janeiro
- DiegongfreitasRio de Janeiro, Brazil
- FelipePicard
- FernandaGdepaula
- free-educa
- GuilhermeAsc
- html-3Sim Resolvemos
- isabellabarcelos
- jpbtavaress
- KenGoldbergUC Berkeley
- luccagandra
- luiizalino
- malkaflySão Paulo
- nand5a
- noemiecodeUniversity of Calgary
- PavaniVitor@Blincast
- PedroHTeixeira
- phjt99
- RodrigolppzRio de Janeiro
- rodrigoxxzy
- samsvp
- ThiagoHg80
- vbasx