Read environment variables defined in a shell script into Python.
This library uses the shell to get variable values, and handles
multiline variables.
Given a shell file: myvars.env:
export VAR1=1
export VAR2="This
multiline value"
export VAR3=3
>>> import shellvars
>>> shellvars.get_vars('myvars.env')
{'VAR1': '1', 'VAR2': 'This\nis\na\nmultiline value', 'VAR3': '3' }
Lists the variable names in the script.
>>> import shellvars
>>> shellvars.list_vars('myvars.env')
['VAR1', 'VAR2', 'VAR3']
This is equivalent to, but faster than
>>> shellvars.get_vars('myvars.env').keys()