
Config files for my GitHub profile.

Hello! 👋 I'm Bryan S. Guevara,

👀 About Me

I completed my academic training at the Institute of Automation at the National University of San Juan, where I gained solid knowledge in control systems engineering and its application in various fields.

🌱 Areas of Interest

Aerial robotics
Optimal control
Underactuated systems
State estimation
Advanced control systems

💞️ Experience

Developed control algorithms for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).
Implemented state estimation techniques in control systems.
Researched in the field of aerial robotics and optimization of control algorithms.

📫 Highlighted Projects

[Project X:](project link) Brief project description and your contribution.
[Project Y:](project link) Brief project description and your contribution.


Doctor in Control Systems Engineering, Institute of Automation, National University of San Juan.
Master's in Control Systems Engineering, Institute of Automation, National University of San Juan.
Bachelor's in Control Engineering, Institute of Automation, National University of San Juan.


Email: youremail@example.com
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/bryansgue/
Website: bryansgue.me

Feel free to reach out if you're interested in collaborating on projects related to aerial robotics, predictive control, or state estimation! I'm open to new opportunities and exciting contributions in the field of control systems engineering.