
An easy-to-manage OpenVPN deployment.

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Easy OpenVPN

This project builds a snap for easy OpenVPN setup and installation. It was designed to be deployed with as little configuration & setup as possible for spot deployment of secure yet disposable OpenVPN instances.


We disable user and group setup for OpenVPN server for the time being as an open bug can be found on Launchpad. lp#1606510. Adding user and group management support is on the roadmap of snapd. We'll support it accordingly when the feature lands. See TODO for current issues.


Easy-openvpn snap is licensed under the terms of the GPLv3 and Copyright by Canonical Ltd.


Commands subject to change as I refine things, but here goes:


$ sudo snap install easy-openvpn

Connect two necessary plugs as they're not auto-connected by default:

$ sudo snap connect easy-openvpn:network-control  :network-control
$ sudo snap connect easy-openvpn:firewall-control :firewall-control
$ sudo snap connect easy-openvpn:home :home


Enable IP forwarding firstly. Note: On ubuntu core, IP forwarding is disabled by default.

$ sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1

If internet connection is over ethernet, you can skip natdevice setup since default natdevice value is 'eth0'. While a wireless connection is established, you need to set it to 'wlan0' accordingly. Note: This fits the scenario where people usually setup a wireless connection on ubuntu core at the first boot.

$ sudo snap set easy-openvpn server.natdevice=wlan0

Setup an openvpn server with host machine IP address

$ sudo easy-openvpn.setup -u udp://<public ip>

You'll be prompted to set a passphrase for your CA. This passphrase will be used to create clients later.


$ sudo service snap.easy-openvpn.easy-openvpn start

Beginning with snapd 2.26.9, snapd can currently take connections of interfaces dynamically and update the mount namespaces of the snap in-place without any processes restarting or any other change after connecting interfaces above. But to be safe, we could reload the snap manually with the following commands:

$ sudo snap disable easy-openvpn
$ sudo snap enable easy-openvpn


$ sudo easy-openvpn.add-client foo > foo.ovpn

Add a client and enter the same passphrase you set during setup above. Use the .ovpn file to connect to your VPN server.

$ sudo easy-openvpn.connect-server <my-config>.ovpn


List clients

$ sudo easy-openvpn.clients

Show client ovpn

$ sudo easy-openvpn.show-client foo

Tail the log

$ sudo easy-openvpn.status


We rely on spread (https://github.com/snapcore/spread) to run full-system test on Ubuntu Core 16. A utility script (run-spread-test.sh) being used to launch the spread test can be found in this project.

Firstly, install ubuntu-image tool since we need to create a custom Ubuntu Core image during test preparation.

$ sudo snap install --beta --classic ubuntu-image

Secondly, install qemu-kvm package since we use it as the backend to run the spread test.

$ sudo apt install qemu-kvm

Meanwhile, you need a classic-mode supported spread binary to launch kvm from its context. You can either build spread from this branch or download the spread snap package here.

$ sudo snap install --classic --dangerous spread_2017.05.24_amd64.snap

You may build the easy-openvpn snap locally in advance and then execute the spread tests with the following commands:

$ snapcraft
$ ./run-tests.sh

When doing a local build, you can also specify --test-from-channel to fetch the snap from the specific channel of the store. The snap from candidate channel is used by default as test target if --channel option is not specified.

$ ./run-tests.sh --test-from-channel --channel=candidate

In order to execute an individual spread test, please run the following command:

$ spread spread/main/installation

This will run the test case under spread/main/installation folder. You can specify the SNAP_CHANNEL environment variable to install a snap from a specific channel for the testing as well.

$ SNAP_CHANNEL=candidate spread spread/main/installation