Various tools used to run donkey and race
wpa_supplicant.conf This is a sample to use when flashing donkey micro sdcard to gain access to Winet or your favorite Wifi hotspot
- This script can help you to guess the IP address of your Donkey. It will sent at startup your IP address to a Slack channel. (change the
<your Slack weebhook URL>
in ther script by your how Webhook)
To run the ip2slack script at startup, edit crontab table
crontab -e
@reboot /home/pi/
- A simple script to broadcast emergency stop signal (network must accept local broadcast)
- A script to connect and stream video from a YI 2K Action Camera to a VLC, VLC being launched to display AND record video stream
Data visualisation and model training.ipynb A Jupyter notebook to analyse data, run training and prediction