
code for "Diffusion Forcing: Next-token Prediction Meets Full-Sequence Diffusion"

Primary LanguagePython

Diffusion Forcing: Next-token Prediction Meets Full-Sequence Diffusion

Boyuan Chen1, Diego Martí Monsó2, Yilun Du1, Max Simchowitz1, Russ Tedrake1, Vincent Sitzmann1
1MIT 2Technical University of Munich

This is the code base for our paper Diffusion Forcing: Next-token Prediction Meets Full-Sequence Diffusion.



      title={Diffusion Forcing: Next-token Prediction Meets Full-Sequence Diffusion},
      author={Boyuan Chen and Diego Marti Monso and Yilun Du and Max Simchowitz and Russ Tedrake and Vincent Sitzmann},

3D-UNet & Temporal Attention Implmentation

An amazing MIT undergrad Kiwhan Song working with us reimplemented diffusion forcing with 3D-unet & temporal attention at this repo. We observe much better results with this improved architecture specialized for video generation, although our paper is exclusively using this repo's non transformer implementation.

Project Instructions


Create conda environment:

conda create python=3.10 -n diffusion_forcing
conda activate diffusion_forcing

Install dependencies for time series, video and robotics:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Sign up a wandb account for cloud logging and checkpointing. In command line, run wandb login to login.

Then modify the wandb entity in configurations/config.yaml to your wandb account.

Optionally, if you want to do maze planning, install the following complicated dependencies due to outdated dependencies of d4rl. This involves first installing mujoco 210 and then run

pip install -r extra_requirements.txt

Quick start with pretrained ckpt

Since dataset is huge, we provide a mini subset and pre-trained checkpoints for you to quickly test out our model! To do so, download mini dataset and checkpoints from here to project root and extract with tar -xzvf quickstart.tar.gz. Files shall appear as data/dmlab, data/minecraft, outputs/dmlab.ckpt, outputs/minecraft.ckpt. Checkpoints for 3D Unet version of diffusion forcing is in the README of that repo (it's better in quality but one has to use sliding window since it's attention).

Then run the following commands and go to the wandb panel to see the results. Our visualization is side by side, with prediction on the left and ground truth on the right. However, ground truth is expected to not align with prediction since the sequence is highly stochastic. Ground truth is provided to provide an idea about quality only.


python -m main +name=dmlab_pretrained algorithm=df_video experiment=exp_video dataset=video_dmlab algorithm.diffusion.num_gru_layers=0 experiment.tasks=[validation] load=outputs/dmlab.ckpt


python -m main +name=minecraft_pretrained algorithm=df_video experiment=exp_video dataset=video_minecraft algorithm.frame_stack=8 algorithm.diffusion.network_size=64 algorithm.diffusion.beta_schedule=sigmoid algorithm.diffusion.cum_snr_decay=0.96 algorithm.z_shape=[32,128,128] load=outputs/minecraft.ckpt

Infinite Rollout

To let the model rollout longer than it's trained on without sliding window, simply append something likedataset.n_frames=400 to the above commands.

Train your own model

Video Prediction

Make sure you also checkout this 3rd party 3D-unet & transformer implementation if you want a better, modern architecture.

Video prediction requires downloading giant datasets. First, if you downloaded the mini subset following Try pretrained video model section, delete the mini subset folders data/minecraft and data/dmlab. Them just run the following commands: we've coded in python that it will download the dataset for you it doesn't already exist. Due to the slowness of the source, this may take a couple days. If you prefer to do it yourself via bash script, please refer to the bash scripts in original TECO dataset and use dmlab.sh and minecraft.sh in their Dataset section of README, any maybe split bash script into parallel scripts.

Train on TECO DMLab dataset:

python -m main +name=dmlab_video algorithm=df_video experiment=exp_video dataset=video_dmlab algorithm.diffusion.num_gru_layers=0

Train on TECO Minecraft dataset:

python -m main +name=minecraft_video algorithm=df_video experiment=exp_video dataset=video_minecraft experiment.training.batch_size=16 algorithm.frame_stack=8 algorithm.diffusion.network_size=64 algorithm.diffusion.beta_schedule=sigmoid algorithm.diffusion.cum_snr_decay=0.96 algorithm.z_shape=[32,128,128]

We are training with 8 GPU by default, if you use fewer or smaller batch size, please lower the learning rate algorithm.lr=2e-4 proportionally. Convergence should be around 50k steps and should take less than a day.

After the model is trained to convergence, you can use the model to roll out longer than it's trained on via appending the following command to correspond training command: experiment.tasks=[validation] dataset.n_frames=1000 load={wandb_id_of_training_run}

Robot Imitation Learning

Train the model with command python -m main +name=robot_new dataset=robot_swap algorithm=df_robot experiment=exp_robot

To run on the real robot, connect two realsense cameras to the server and run python -m main +name=robot_new dataset=robot_swap algorithm=df_robot experiment=exp_robot experiment.tasks=[test] load={wandb_id_of_training_run} The robot will send a plan to a specified port via zeromq, upon receiving a planning request. Robot code is by request.

Maze2d Planning

First, make sure you perform the optinal steps in setup instructions so all planning specific dependencies are installed. Then,

Train your model with python -m main +name=planning_medium experiment=exp_planning dataset=maze2d_medium algorithm=df_planning.

The model will converge within 100k steps. To test planning, append the following to your training command: experiment.tasks=[validation] algorithm.guidance_scale=8.0 load={wandb_id_of_training_run}. To obtain numbers reported in paper, guidance scale of 8.0 to 12.0 are recommended. To reproduce visualizations shown on the website, a guidance scale of 0.1-1.0 shall suffice.

Timeseries Prediction

Train model with command: python -m main +name=ts_exchange dataset=ts_exchange algorithm=df_prediction experiment=exp_prediction

Infra instructions

This repo is forked from Boyuan Chen's research template repo.

All experiments can be launched via python -m main [options] where you can fine more details in the following paragraphs.

Pass in arguments

We use hydra instead of argparse to configure arguments at every code level. You can both write a static config in configuration folder or, at runtime, override part of yur static config with command line arguments.

For example, arguments algorithm=df_prediction algorithm.diffusion.network_size=32 will override the network_size variable in configurations/algorithm/df_prediction.yaml.

All static config and runtime override will be logged to wandb automatically.

Resume a checkpoint & logging

All checkpoints and logs are logged to cloud automatically so you can resume them on another server. Simply append resume=[wandb_run_id] to your command line arguments to resume it. The run_id can be founded in a url of a wandb run in wandb dashboard.

On the other hand, sometimes you may want to start a new run with different run id but still load a prior ckpt. This can be done by setting the load=[wandb_run_id / ckpt path] flag.

Modify for your own project

Add your method and baselines in algorithms following the algorithms/README.md as well as the example code in algorithms/examples/classifier/classifier.py. For pytorch experiments, write your algorithm as a pytorch lightning pl.LightningModule which has extensive documentation. For a quick start, read "Define a LightningModule" in this link. Finally, add a yaml config file to configurations/algorithm imitating that of configurations/algorithm/df_base.yaml, for each algorithm you added.

(If doing machine learning) Add your dataset in datasets following the datasets/README.md as well as the example code in datasets/offline_rl/maze2d.py. Finally, add a yaml config file to configurations/dataset imitating that of configurations/dataset/maze2d_large.yaml, for each dataset you added.

Add your experiment in experiments following the experiments/README.md or following the example code in experiments/exp_video.py. Then register your experiment in experiments/__init__.py. Finally, add a yaml config file to configurations/experiment imitating that of configurations/experiment/exp_video.yaml, for each experiment you added.

Modify configurations/config.yaml to set algorithm to the yaml file you want to use in configurations/algorithm; set experiment to the yaml file you want to use in configurations/experiment; set dataset to the yaml file you want to use in configurations/dataset, or to null if no dataset is needed; Notice the fields should not contain the .yaml suffix.

You are all set!

cd into your project root. Now you can launch your new experiment with python main.py +name=example_name. You can run baselines or different datasets by add arguments like algorithm=[xxx] or dataset=[xxx]. You can also override any yaml configurations by following the next section.

One special note, if your want to define a new task for your experiment, (e.g. other than training and test) you can define it as a method in your experiment class (e.g. the save_mean_std_metadata task in experiments/exp_prediction.py) and use experiment.tasks=[task_name] to run it. Let's say you have a generate_dataset task before the task training and you implemented it in experiment class, you can then run python -m main +name xxxx experiment.tasks=[generate_dataset,training] to execute it before training.