A mod for The Long Dark, by Hinterland Studios, that adds new tools for starting fires. Open to suggestions!
This mod is a rebuilt and updated version of ds5678's and WulfMarius' Fire Pack.
Craft a bow drill, an ancient way of starting fires.
With the new ember box, you can grab embers from fires and carry them around.
Embers last for a few hours inside an ember box, and you can extend that time adding charcoal. Use the embers to start new fires.
- Download latest FirePack.zip file in releases, unzip, drop both .modcomponent and .dll files in the mod folder and enjoy!
- Requires ModComponent and all its dependencies to work.
- Rebuilt and updated to post DLC TLD.
- New crafting icons.
- Adjusted textures, models and sounds.
- New spanish localization.
V.2.5.1 (Pre-DLC):
- Craft a bow drill, an ancient, renewable way to start fires.
- Craft an ember box, a little can you can use to take embers from fires and transport them to start new ones.
- You can now craft firelogs from tinder or charcoal, and convert cat tail heads into tinder.
- Adds some difficulty settings for people who like challenges.
For any doubt, question or technical support you might need, contact me throught the TLD Modding Discord server and place a message at #jods.
Original mod by ds5678 and WulfMarius.
Huge thanks to Filigrani for his selfless help.