
Awesome Opal

MIT LicenseMIT

Awesome Opal Awesome



Video Presentations


  • Clearwater - Component-based Ruby front-end framework
  • Inesita - Frontend web application framework in Ruby using Opal.
  • Lissio - lissio is a VCL (Vai Col Lissio) framework for Opal to implement frontends completely on the client side.
  • Opal Praha - An opal-vienna rewrite with Convention over Configuration in mind
  • Vienna - Client-side MVC framework for Opal
  • Volt - A Ruby web framework where your Ruby runs on both server and client


JS Wrappers (Bindings)

  • Opal Dagred3 - An opalized (ruby-fied) wrapper for the dagreD3 directed, acyclic graphing library
  • Opal Firebase - Firebase Wrapper providing a nice ruby syntax
  • Opal Highcharts - Ruby wrapper for Highcharts and Highstock javascript libraries
  • Opal JQuery - jQuery for Opal
  • Opal Knockout - opal-knockout is wrapper of knockout.js for Ruby(Opal)
  • Opal Phaser - A fast and free Opal wrapper for the Phaser framework to develop browser-based games in Ruby!
  • Opal Phoenix - Opal wrapper for Phoenix Framework javascript library
  • Opal Pixi - Ruby wrapper for the Pixi.js graphical library
  • Opal Polymer - A starting point for building web applications with Polymer
  • Opal Processing - ruby-processing for the web, powered by Processing.js and Opal
  • Opal PunchDB - An Opal bridge to PouchDB
  • Opal Pusher - Opal bindings for the Pusher JS API
  • Opal Raphael - Opal binding for Raphael.js
  • Opal VirtualDOM - virtual-dom wrapper for opal
  • React.rb - Opal Ruby wrapper of React.js library.
  • Stripe Opal - Stripe.JS wrapper for Opal
  • Three.rb - An Opal wrapper for Three.js to develop 3D browser applications in Ruby!



Live Applications



Your contributions and suggestions are welcome ♡.