Runs HOMER and kmer enrichment aspects from clip_analysis_legacy to generate useful motif analyses.
- bedtools
- python=2.7
- matplotlib
- seaborn
- numpy
- pandas
- bedtools=2.26
- pybedtools
- htseq
- bx-python
- scikit-learn
- cairosvg=1.0.22
(or run the script - don't forget to source activate analyze_motifs
python install
analyze_motifs \
--peaks inputs/204_01.basedon_204_01.peaks.l2inputnormnew.bed.compressed.Fc3Pv3.bed \ # BED file (from input normalization or IDR)
--species hg19_v19 \ # sets prefix for finding region bedfiles (see clip_analysis_legacy/data/regions)
--genome_fasta inputs/all.fa \ # fasta file
--k 6 \ # k for kmer enrichment score search
--nrand 1 \ # sets the number of random bedfile regions to generate to form the background
--out_file outputs/204_01_RBFOX2.svg \ # output motif image file
--out_pickle_file outputs/204_01_RBFOX2.pickle \ # output pickle
--out_homer_dir outputs/204_01_RBFOX2_homer_out # directory by which this script uses to store all outputs (will tar this directory at the end)
(or see examples/ script)
In the above example, you do NOT need the 204_01_RBFOX2_homer_out/ to exist, but you DO need to make sure outputs/ exists
This package expects the following files inside data/regions:
- ${SPECIES}_cds.bed
- ${SPECIES}_proxintron500.bed
- ${SPECIES}_distintron500.bed
- ${SPECIES}_five_prime_utrs.bed
- ${SPECIES}_three_prime_utrs.bed
where $(SPECIES) is something like: 'hg19' or 'hg19_v19'. Analyze_motifs needs these regions to define where to select the random backgrounds from.
- hg19
- hg19_v19
- ce10
- GRCh38
- GRCh38_v24
- mm9
- mm10_vM10
If you have the proper GTF file, you can use the create_region_bedfiles script inside the annotator package to generate these files, and put them into data/regions if they don't exist there already. You will need to reinstall the package after doing so.