
CORE2 board development template in Mbed OS and CLI2 in dev container

Primary LanguageCMake

CORE2 firmware template for development with mbed-os

Web resources


  • Visual Studio Code IDE + required extensions
  • Docker installed on the host

Setup environment

  1. Download mbed-os library.

    git clone -b master --depth 1 --single-branch https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os ~/mbed-os 


    gh repo clone ARMmbed/mbed-os ~/mbed-os -- -b master --depth 1 --single-branch
  2. Start the dev container using the Dev Containers: Open Workspace in Container... command.

  3. Fetch and init dependencies

    git submodule update --init --recursive

Generate cmake configuration

Use command.: Tasks: Run Task and select GENERATE CONFIG FOR CMAKE.

mbed-tools configure -m CORE2 -t GCC_ARM -b release --mbed-os-path $MBED_OS_LIB_PATH --custom-targets-json lib/stm32customtargets/custom_targets.json


Use command CMake: Build.

Build using cmake

cmake -S . -B cmake_build/CORE2/release/GCC_ARM -GNinja
cmake --build cmake_build/CORE2/release/GCC_ARM

Build using mbed-tools

mbed-tools compile -m CORE2 -t GCC_ARM -b release --mbed-os-path $MBED_OS_LIB_PATH --custom-targets-json lib/stm32customtargets/custom_targets.json

Uploading firmware using the core2-flasher tool

Connect CORE2 to your computer via micro-usb port and use the core2-flasher tool (from this repo) to upload a generated firmware.hex file.

To flash firmware using core2-flasher run:

./core2-flasher ./cmake_build/CORE2/release/GCC_ARM/firmware.hex


mbed-tools sterm -b 9600 -p <port>




This board pinout is described in src/TARGET_CORE2/PinNames.h file. Pin names defined in that file are similar to ones used by hFramework and should be easily identifiable. Peripheral functions available for each pin are described in the PeripheralPinMaps.h file.