A list of resources to think about free software and open source challenges
- a13ph
- ace411MG Lotus Ltd
- agsdotSan Francisco
- alexandrecuerCerema
- alexandrefradet@hiit-consulting-fr
- anorouzi@pisoro
- byteshivaanywhere
- cn7r66Italy
- deen12
- desoga10@Enterfive-Inc
- devdropsTaubate, SP - Brazil
- fengzilongAlibaba Inc
- geekcomInfracommerce
- gratuxriStuttgart
- hcdias@leroy-merlin-br
- jmcastagnettoPeru
- JohnRenatoDev@Modal-GR
- keradusDelivery Hero
- leonampd@nubank
- lucas-deangelisLyon, France
- luciopileggi@teamdigitale
- michiboo
- msandersOakland, CA
- nick-zh@james-job
- oliverklee[], @braingourmets
- oneEyedSundayCoCUS PT
- ozgursoy@charmy
- pallas42
- pinndg
- quailcoral
- SephsterUniversity of Edinburgh
- shobhitchittoraAirbnb
- smutekBaltimore
- srinivasreddyIndependent Consultant, up for hire
- thom4parisotdé
- tsutsarin