
Prepare maps for printing, using a tileserver based on Bing Maps’s Quadkey, and showing OS grid references.

Primary LanguageRuby


Prepare maps for printing, using online slippy maps, such as Bing Maps’s Quadkey and generic ZXY tiles, and showing OS grid references.

Every tile fetched is cached, up to the file storage limit set per style in the atlasrc.yaml file.

For best results, view in Firefox.


Atlas is written in Ruby 2.7, so you will need to install it if you haven’t already. Use bundle install to install the dependencies.

Clone the file atlasrc.yaml.sample into atlasrc.yaml.

Run the server


Or with live reloading for development, using entr:

ls ./atlas* | entr -r ./atlas.rb

This can then be browsed at http://localhost:5000/?center=NY%2017125%2012104.

The center argument is an OS grid reference, or comma-separated list thereof (one per page to be printed).

At the top of the page there are controls for specifying which map to display.

Terminal usage

./atlas.rb: serve a web server, as detailed above.

./atlas.rb TL123456: display the map in a terminal, using iTerm’s image API.

The port can be set using the environment variable ATLAS_PORT, otherwise it will default to 5000. The address to serve to is given by ATLAS_ADDRESS, or defaults to (localhost only). Use to serve to everyone.

The configuration file can be specified using the environment variable ATLAS_RC, otherwise it will default to ./atlasrc.yaml.

If ATLAS_OFFLINE is nonempty, no tiles will be fetched, and only the tiles already cached will be served.

HTTP Arguments

Query Default Description
style The namespace of the tile server to use. This defaults to the first tile server in your atlasrc.yaml file.
scale 4 Number of centimetres printed for each kilometre on the map.
paper A4 A3, A4 or A5, or A3-portrait etc. This may have to be specified when printing too.
margin 0.5 How many centimetres of border to leave around the page.
center A comma-separated list of pages to print, given as OS grid references of their center point. This is required unless fit is given instead.
fit A comma-separated list of points to print. A bounding rectangle will be calculated, and every page in this rectangle will be printed.
padding 0 Include a minimum of padding kilometres around each of the provided points in fit. This has no effect if fit is not given.
partial If present, do not serve the <head>, only the new container. This allows AJAX requests for more maps, via the addMap() function.
grid_lines Whether or not to superimpose OS grid lines over the map (true or false, otherwise defaults to the value given in the tileserver config).
grid_north Whether or not to rotate the map such that OS grid lines run exactly vertically (true or false, otherwise defaults to the value given in the tileserver config).

atlasrc.yaml config

This file contains an array of objects, each specifying a tile server source.

Key Description
type The tile coordinate system to use, either quadkey or zxy.
url The URL of a tile, with the tile id replaced by %s (for quadkey), or by {z}, {x} and {y} for zxy maps. In the latter case, {a | b | c} etc may also be used to randomize the source.
id The unique name to identify the style by, as will be used in tile links.
title The user-facing name to identify the style as, as seen in the dropdown.
folder The local folder on the server to cache these tiles in. This may be shared, but only when the tile identifiers are distinct.
zoom The default zoom level to request the tiles at. Defaults to 14. If zooms is specified and zoom does not fall within it, the nearest value in zooms is taken.
zooms An array or range (e.g. !ruby/range 12..16) of valid zoom levels. Defaults to 8..16.
grid_lines Whether or not to superimpose OS grid lines over the map, by default.
grid_north Whether or not to rotate the map such that OS grid lines run exactly vertically, by default.
hidden Whether this option should be hidden unless the map ID is entered in the URL.
cache_size How many bytes are allowed to be used by the server-side cache. This is enforced, least recently accessed tiles are removed.


/?center=SW 341 254

Example print of Lands End, at 4cm:1km on A4