
Better panning support

Opened this issue · 4 comments

c42f commented

The current "click to center" method of panning is fast but can be disorienting. Is there something better we can do?

Ortho projection is awesome for panning - no need to figure out a reference point for translation.

c42f commented

Interesting, I haven't considered that. However, I don't think it would help much here: I'm trying to keep the UI simple by doing everything in the same 3D viewport. Forcing the user to change modes is something I've disliked about other lidar viewers I've used.

I am used to using Paraview and I like being able to middle click and drag for panning. Once #11 is solved then panning becomes easy. Perhaps we could make it so the reference point is calculated at the down click of the middle button, and then if the mouse is moved while the button is down then the view pans.

c42f commented

Something like that potentially makes sense. The potree project uses a similar scheme,

Caveat - the current displaz panning scheme is jarring/disorienting, but it's relatively precise and efficient if you want to zoom in on a particular area. I wouldn't want to loose this.