API search endpoint has bad default argument for levels on swagger page
caaespin opened this issue · 3 comments
I don't know where else to reach out to, but hopefully this is the right place. Today I started getting 404s on queries that used to work with no issues. For example,
does not work as of this moment. Is the database down or something?
I see GCB on the Tree diagram on the website, so I'm puzzled why it's not working all of a sudden.
@sheridancbio have you been able to take a look at this by any chance?
Yes .. I think I figured this out.
The query does work correctly, but our default value for the "levels" argument is incorrect.
You queried for
--- notice that the "levels" parameter which comes last specifies that it is looking on levels "1,2,3,4,5"
however, the GCB node is on level 6 down from the root node. The current tree goes to depth 7, so we should change the default argument for levels to "1,2,3,4,5,6,7" ... or make it so that when the levels argument is not supplied, all levels are searched.
For now, the you would be able to get correct answers from the api by giving a more complete levels range in the query, so
will return this result:
[{"code":"GCB","color":"LimeGreen","name":"Germinal Center B-Cell Type","mainType":"Mature B-Cell Neoplasms","externalReferences":{},"tissue":"Lymphoid","children":{},"parent":"DLBCLNOS","history":[],"level":6}]
We have added a card to our scrum planning board and will correct this behavior in the near future.
Thank you for reporting this issue @caaespin cc: @ritikakundra