
Primary LanguagePython



We are working on organizing and uploding all files and instructions!!

This project involves integrates a physical robot into omniverse using arduino sketches, python scripting and a scene setup in omniverse. The directory structure of the project is as follows:

  • README.md
  • behavior_script.py
  • robot_fritzing.png
  • Fusion360/
    • Arm ASM and Shovel.zip
    • Demo Flour Bucket.f3d
  • URDF.zip
  • Scene/
    • USD file
    • Collected_assets/
  • robot_fritzing.png (Wiring Diagram of Setup)

Directory Structure

Root Directory

  • readme.md: This file.
  • behavior_script.py: Behavoir Script that provides the scene with Joint Position Updates.

Arduino Directory

  • arduino_data_send/.ino file: The Arduino sketch file. Ensure to fill in your WiFi details and password.

Scene Directory

  • Scene/USD file: The main scene file for simulations.
  • Scene/Collected_assets/: Directory for storing all the assets collected for the scene.

URDF.zip Directory

  • URDF\Fusion Description\meshes: Collision Meshes of Robot Arm.
  • URDF\Fusion Description\urdf: URDF file of the Robot Arm.