The software id developed by TEAM DISHARI

#Team members

1. Mrinmoy Sarkar (Algorithm and software developer and ROS Programmer)

2. Dhiman Chowdhury (Algorithm developer)

3. Md Zakaria Haider (Team Leader)

HRATC 2016 Codebase for Team Dishari

Unzip the "teamd" code folder to ~/hratc2016_workspace/src/

The instructions below assume you have installed the HRATC 2016 code/simulator at ~/hratc2016_workspace/src

Procedure to install package assuming teamd code folder is inside ~/hratc2016_workspace/src

  • cd ~/hratc2016_workspace
  • catkin_make


Components used


The laser scanner, mine sweep arm, and robot base is used. The laser navigation stack is used.


FOR Simulation runs on scenario1 gazebo world


Run the Simulator

  • roslaunch hratc2016_framework run_simulation_world.launch #wait for 10s open a new terminal

Run Team Dishari navigation support nodes

  • roslaunch teamd teamdNavigation.launch #wait for 10s open a new terminal

Run Team Dishari minedetection support nodes

  • roslaunch teamd teamdMinedetector.launch

if the robot does not move or the program hangs up, please restart the whole system after waiting 2/3 minutes