
Second profile, but better!

Primary LanguageHTML


Welcome to my Portfolio!

Thank you for stopping bye!

Wag uses the following list of example commands:

* npm install 
    - This installs all required packages from the package.json
* run schema.sql and seed.sql
    - Before running 'node server.js', create the database through the provided schema.sql and seed.sql files
* node server.js
    - Running this command opens the server and allows the site to begin operating

Technologies used:

* Node.js
* Express
* Express Handlebars
* Sequelize

NPM Packages and Dependencies (REQUIRED):

* dotenv
* express
* express-handlebars
* express-session
* mysql2
* node
* sequelize


* Caitlan Jeffrey

Special Thanks

Thanks to our Professors Marcelo and Alec, all of the TA's (Austin, Leah, Hoff and Justin) and my tutor for helping me complete the project!