
Resource estimate executive summary lacks BRAM numbers

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Synthesis 101 is a short guide about generating syntheses from .futil files. In refreshing it, I noticed that the executive summary, generated using the command:

fud e --to resource-estimate <filename>.futil

makes no mention of BRAMs. If you generate the actual report using:

fud e --to synth-files -o report <filename>.futil

the report has, deep in its guts, the appropriate numbers.

If you digest the report directory into an executive summary using:

fud e --from synth-files --to resource-estimate report

the executive summary again lacks the BRAM numbers.

So: it's all in there, and it's not a fud chaining issue. Some script is just failing to grab and display the BRAM numbers.

cc @polybeandip in case you have anything to add!

Heh I have tried to give this issue an appropriate label, but nothing seems to fit. Sorry Rachit, I know those are important

Not much to add from me!

I guess in case anyone wants to tackle this issue, I think the function to be tweaked is place_and_route_extract in Not fully sure though

Yup, you need to find the right table using the parser’s API and then extract the information!

Just to clarify, is this number from report/out/FutilBuild.runs/impl_1/main_utilization_placed.rpt what we want?

Yup, looks like the right place to me. It is surprising and perhaps a little concerning that no BRAMs are used. Maybe the internal memories used in FIFOs are not getting mapped correctly?

OTOH, John Demme did mention that LUTRAMs often get used to map FIFOs...