
APIs for loading whole slide images onto caMicroscope.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Dataloader API Build Status

Following examples assume <API_PORT>==32799

POST /submitData

This is a multipart post request with fields:

  • case_id: Identified of the image
  • upload: Image file path


curl -v -F case_id=TCGA-02-0001 -F upload=@TCGA-02-0001-01Z-00-DX1.83fce43e-42ac-4dcd-b156-2908e75f2e47.svs http://localhost:32799/submitData

Return type: json On success returns: {"status":"success"}

GET /subjectIdExists

curl localhost:32799/subjectIdExists?SubjectUID=TCGA-02-0001 Returns an array with subjectID and file path. Empty array if subject Id doesnt exist

GET /getMD5ForImage

curl localhost:32799/getMD5ForImage?imageFileName=TCGA-02-0001-01Z-00-DX1.83fce43e-42ac-4dcd-b156-2908e75f2e47.svs Returns an array with MD5 of the image [{"md5sum":"418a0724b0a2113bcd2956bacae105b7"}]