ML Engineer in Radix Engineering and Software. Mechatronics Engineering master student at UFRN. Researcher in robotics, machine learning and embbed systems.
Radix | Engineering and SoftwareNatal, RN, Brazil
Pinned Repositories
Files and configuration that I printed on my Creality Ender 3D
Repository for the course Digital Systems of Mechatronics Engineering in UFRN, Natal, Brazil. The first half of the course had as final project the design and implementation of a 70-instructions processor. The second half had a series of Arduino AVR projects and Assembly.
Boberto was a robot developed by six students of LAR-UFRN ( The competition consisted in proposing, developing and manufacturing a robot able to solve a portuary challenge.
Exploring core machine learning concepts, moving on to supervised and unsupervised learning. Also topics in deep learning and reinforcement learning. There is still a capstone project of my choosing, that applies these machine learning techniques and algorithms.
The project consists in a system designed to teach and correct the movement of a blind student that aims to learn a movement. With a OpenCV algorithm and a wearable, we made it possible to these students have a better perception to wheather they are making the gesture correctly or not.
Platform that allows the communication between ONS (Operador Nacional do Sistema Elétrico - Electrical System National Operator), Engie Control Panel and Engie Power Plants. We propose a change in the communication protocol and also provide data so that Engie can make important decisions about its operation.
Codes for IEEE Open 2017 robotics competition, in this repository there are codes for the control and image processing of a milker robot constructed for the competition
Repository of a Genetic Algorithm code to control the water level of a coupled tanks system.
Repository for the advanced programming course offered by DCA in the 2017.2 semester. The course was taught in portuguese and by Professor Adelardo, linked to UFRN.
camilabga's Repositories
Repository for the advanced programming course offered by DCA in the 2017.2 semester. The course was taught in portuguese and by Professor Adelardo, linked to UFRN.
Repository for the course Digital Systems of Mechatronics Engineering in UFRN, Natal, Brazil. The first half of the course had as final project the design and implementation of a 70-instructions processor. The second half had a series of Arduino AVR projects and Assembly.
Basic implementation of the most common data structures and known algorithms
Repository for the FIESP Hackathon: Debureaucratization and Digital Government. Our solution consists in a integration of the Digital ID System with new features. These features are meant to solve a problem of communication betwen the government and the society, as well as, reduce the costs of the government with publicity and give the opportunity for the citizen to be the lead of his/her public life
Course conclusion project for Object-oriented Programming in C++
Compound of useful scripts that I used to configure/install some stuff
Repository for the projects developed in the University of Toronto Coursera Course: Self-Driving Cars Specialization
Repository designated to the projects on the University of London Coursera Specialization 'Responsive Website Development and Design'. In the course are included the basics of modern full stack web development, from UX design, to front-end coding, to custom databases.