
A Camunda 8 client with a custom tasklist integrated with a custom version of form-js

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Community Extension Compatible with: Camunda Platform 8

Low-code Solution Template for Camunda Platform 8 using React, Java and Spring Boot

We've had some customers who would like to offer some "citizen dev tools" to their business users :

  • build Forms using drag'n drop tools like form-js but with more components.
  • build/adapt mail templates

The goal of this project is to show how to build such a solution with React, an extended form-js, Spring-Boot, spring-zeebe, tasklist-client and operate-client

ℹ️ DMN & FEEL tester have been externalized to camunda-8-dev-tooling ℹ️ An example of bpmn-js integration is available in camunda-custom-operation-tools

Repository content

This repository contains a Java application template for Camunda Platform 8 using Spring Boot and a docker-compose.yaml file for local development. For production setups we recommend to use our helm charts.

The Spring Boot Java application includes an example Tasklist React front-end. Run make buildfront from the project root, start the Spring Boot app (make run or mvnw spring-boot:run), and then browse to http://localhost:8080.

This front-end relies on a customized version of @bpmnio/form-js.

If needed, you can also run the React front-end independent of the spring boot app. To do so, run npm run start to start a nodejs server serving the react app over port 3000. You can also use the make runfront

Using this template

Fork this repository on GitHub and rename/refactor the following artifacts:

By forking this project, you can stay connected to improvements that we do to this template and simply pull updates into your fork, e.g. by using GitHub's Web UI or the following commands:

git remote add upstream git@github.com:camunda-community-hub/camunda-8-lowcode-ui-template.git
git pull upstream main
git push

Forking to GitLab

gh repo clone camunda-community-hub/camunda-8-lowcode-ui-template new-project-folder
cd new-project-folder
git remote set-url origin git@gitlab.com:new-project/new-repo

First steps with the application

The application requires a running Zeebe engine. You can run Zeebe locally using the instructions below for Docker Compose or have a look at our recommended deployment options for Camunda Platform.

Before starting the app go to http://localhost:8084/applications/ and create application of type M2M with read/write access to Operate & Tasklist and set identity.clientId and identity.clientSecret in application.yaml.

Run the application via

./mvnw spring-boot:run

UI http://localhost:8080/ Swagger UI: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html

ℹ️ The docker-compose file in this repository uses the latest compose specification, which was introduced with docker compose version 1.27.0+. Please make sure to use an up-to-date docker compose version.

The first time you use the project, you should be able to connect with demo/demo to create new forms, mail templates and manage your user organization.

When you start the application for the first time, an "ACME" organization is created for you with a single user demo/demo with admin rights. When you access the landing page, you'll be able to access the "admin" section where you can manage forms, mail templates and your organization.

Oauth2 integration

If you want to use this application with an Oauth provider, you can just configure the spring.security.oauth2 properties in the application.yaml file.

    enabled: true
        client-id: customTasklist
        client-secret: XXX
        authorization-grant-type: authorization_code
        scope: openid, profile
        redirect-uri: http://localhost:8080/login/oauth2/code/customTaskList
      provider.customTaskList.issuer-uri: http://localhost:18080/auth/realms/camunda-platform

The first property is to enable it.

You need to configure the client properly into your IDP. In Keycloak, if you want to use permissions and groups, you should add mappers in to client scope. Pay attention that roles are expected to be prefixed with ROLE_


You can create forms with 3 different approaches :

  • Embedded forms into your process definition (classic approach)
  • Create Extended Forms from the admin application. Form name should match the formKey. Forms will be stored in the workspace/forms folder.
  • Create custom react forms. From the react application, in the forms folder, create your custom forms. You should then reference them in the customForms map in the forms/index.ts file.

Translations will be managed from the backend in the 2 first approaches. Input labels should be references in the Forms translations. In the 3rd case, translation will be managed from the front-end and translations should be added in the "siteTranslations".

Google integration

If you want to send emails through Gmail (what is coded for now), you will need to download a [client_secret_google_api.json from your Google console] (https://console.cloud.google.com/) and put it in your resources folder.

Using docker-compose

ℹ️ The docker-compose file in this repository uses the latest compose specification, which was introduced with docker-compose version 1.27.0+. Please make sure to use an up-to-date docker-compose version.

ℹ️ Docker 20.10.16+ is required.

To spin up a complete Camunda Platform 8 Self-Managed environment locally the docker-compose.yaml file in this repository can be used.

The full environment contains these components:

  • Zeebe
  • Operate
  • Tasklist
  • Connectors
  • Optimize
  • Identity
  • Elasticsearch
  • Keycloak
  • PostgreSQL

ℹ️ Web Modeler is not included by default. Please follow the instructions below to install it.

Clone this repo and issue the following command to start your environment:

docker compose up -d

Wait a few minutes for the environment to start up and settle down. Monitor the logs, especially the Keycloak container log, to ensure the components have started.

Now you can navigate to the different web apps and log in with the user demo and password demo:

Keycloak is used to manage users. Here you can log in with the user admin and password admin

The workflow engine Zeebe is available using gRPC at localhost:26500.

To tear down the whole environment run the following command:

docker compose down -v

Zeebe, Operate, Tasklist, along with Optimize require a separate network from Identity as you'll see in the docker-compose file.

Using the basic components

If Optimize, Identity, and Keycloak are not needed you can use the docker-compose-core.yaml instead which does not include these components:

docker compose -f docker-compose-core.yaml up -d

Deploying BPMN diagrams

In addition to the local environment setup with docker compose, you can download the Camunda Desktop Modeler to locally model BPMN diagrams for execution and directly deploy them to your local environment. As an enterprise customer, you can use Web Modeler.

Feedback and updates are welcome!

Securing the Zeebe API

By default, the Zeebe GRPC API is publicly accessible without requiring any client credentials for development purposes.

You can however enable authentication of GRPC requests in Zeebe by setting the environment variable ZEEBE_AUTHENTICATION_MODE to identity, e.g. via running:

ZEEBE_AUTHENTICATION_MODE=identity docker compose up -d

or by modifying the default value in the .env file.


Both docker-compose files contain our out-of-the-box Connectors.

Refer to the Connector installation guide for details on how to provide the related Connector templates for modeling.

To inject secrets into the Connector runtime they can be added to the connector-secrets.txt file inside the repository in the format NAME=VALUE per line. The secrets will then be available in the Connector runtime with the format secrets.NAME.

To add custom Connectors either create a new docker image bundling them as described here.

Alternatively, you can mount new Connector JARs as volumes into the /opt/app folder by adding this to the docker-compose file. Keep in mind that the Connector JARs need to bring along all necessary dependencies inside the JAR.


A kibana profile is available in the provided docker compose files to support inspection and exploration of the Camunda Platform 8 data in Elasticsearch. It can be enabled by adding --profile kibana to your docker compose command. In addition to the other components, this profile spins up Kibana. Kibana can be used to explore the records exported by Zeebe into Elasticsearch, or to discover the data in Elasticsearch used by the other components (e.g. Operate).

You can navigate to the Kibana web app and start exploring the data without login credentials:

Note You need to configure the index patterns in Kibana before you can explore the data.

  • Go to Management > Stack Management > Kibana > Index Patterns.
  • Create a new index pattern. For example, zeebe-record-* matches the exported records.
    • If you don't see any indexes then make sure to export some data first (e.g. deploy a process). The indexes of the records are created when the first record of this type is exported.
  • Go to Analytics > Discover and select the index pattern.

Web Modeler Self-Managed

ℹ️ Web Modeler Self-Managed is available to Camunda enterprise customers only.

The Docker images for Web Modeler are available in a private registry. Enterprise customers either already have credentials to this registry, or they can request access to this registry through their CSM contact at Camunda.

To run Camunda Platform with Web Modeler Self-Managed clone this repo and issue the following commands:

$ docker login registry.camunda.cloud
Username: your_username
Password: ******
Login Succeeded
$ docker compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose-web-modeler.yaml up -d

To tear down the whole environment run the following command

$ docker compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose-web-modeler.yaml down -v

If you want to delete everything (including any data you created). Alternatively, if you want to keep the data run:

$ docker compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose-web-modeler.yaml down


You can access Web Modeler Self-Managed and log in with the user demo and password demo at http://localhost:8070.

Deploy or execute a process

Without authentication

Once you are ready to deploy or execute processes use these settings to deploy to the local Zeebe instance:

  • Authentication: None
  • URL: http://zeebe:26500

With Zeebe request authentication

If you enabled authentication for GRPC requests on Zeebe you need to provide client credentials when deploying and executing processes:

  • Authentication: OAuth
  • URL: http://zeebe:26500
  • Client ID: zeebe
  • Client secret: zecret
  • OAuth URL: http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/camunda-platform/protocol/openid-connect/token
  • Audience: zeebe-api


The setup includes Mailpit as a test SMTP server. It captures all emails sent by Web Modeler, but does not forward them to the actual recipients.

You can access emails in Mailpit's Web UI at http://localhost:8075.


Submitting Issues

When submitting an issue on this repository, please make sure your issue is related to the docker compose deployment method of the Camunda Platform. All questions regarding to functionality of the web applications should be instead posted on the Camunda Forum. This is the best way for users to query for existing answers that others have already encountered. We also have a category on that forum specifically for Deployment Related Topics.

Running on arm64 based hardware

When using arm64-based hardware like a M1 or M2 Mac the Keycloak container might not start because Bitnami only provides amd64-based images for versions < 22. You can build and tag an arm-based image locally using the following command. After building and tagging the image you can start the environment as described in Using docker-compose.

$ DOCKER_BUILDKIT=0 docker build -t bitnami/keycloak:19.0.3 "https://github.com/camunda/camunda-platform.git#8.2.15:.keycloak/"

Resource based authorizations

You can control access to specific processes and decision tables in Operate and Tasklist with resource based authorization.

This feature is disabled by default and can be enabled by setting RESOURCE_AUTHORIZATIONS_ENABLED to true, e.g. via running:


or by modifying the default value in the .env file.

Read more about resource based authorizations in the documentation.

Camunda Platform 7

Looking for information on Camunda Platform 7? Check out the links below:

Pull from Upstream (for maintainers of the Low-Code UI Template)

Pull in the latest updates from the Process Solution Template, which this template was forked from, using:

git remote add upstream git@github.com:camunda-community-hub/camunda-8-process-solution-template.git
git checkout -b pull-upstream
git pull upstream main --no-rebase
git mergetool
git commit # to conclude merge
git push --set-upstream origin pull-upstream
gh pr create --title "Update from Process Solution Template" --body "Pulls in the latest updates from the [Process Solution Template](https://github.com/camunda-community-hub/camunda-8-process-solution-template) which this template was forked from"

Pulling another change into the same PR:

git pull upstream main --no-rebase
git push