
A fork of ETHZ's original man_system_identification package with modifications to suit latest mav_control_rw package and osdk3.8. Original package please refer to https://github.com/ethz-asl/mav_system_identification

Primary LanguageMATLAB


Matlab scripts to perform system identification for DJI 100

A fork of ETHZ's original man_system_identification package with modifications to suit latest mav_control_rw package and osdk3.8.

In order to run this script, m100_sysid.m, you need matlab_rosbag package https://github.com/bcharrow/matlab_rosbag (source) https://github.com/bcharrow/matlab_rosbag/releases (binary)

In case you face the follosing linking error matlab_rosbag-0.5.0-mac64/rosbag_wrapper.mexmaci64, 6): Symbol not found: __ZTISt16invalid_argument try this re-compiled binary https://cmu.app.box.com/s/9hs153nwa19uqvzboglkz7y84r6jzzxg or https://drive.google.com/open?id=10L4LHh1icdken60UTwKTRoUvLG3fO-1m Tested platform: Mac EI Capitan 10.11.6 with MATLAB R2016a