C++ Library for FPGA Access and Programming

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT



CLAP is a C++ API aiming to simplify the usage of IP Cores in Xilinx FPGAs:

  • C++ 17, header-only (The entire source code is located in API/include and its subfolders)
  • Unified API to access IP Cores via PCIe (Xilinx XDMA), PetaLinux, or Bare Metal
  • Contains quickly learned interfaces to Xilinx DMA, VDMA, GPIO, or user-created HLS cores (AP_intf)
  • It makes the time-consuming familiarization with Linux driver development superfluous. Write easy-to-debug code running in user space without caring about low-level device access.


NOTE: This is a work in progress. Current limitations:

  • XDMA: Only Linux is supported
  • Bare Metal is under development


CMake >= 3.10.0
g++ >= 9 or comparable compiler supporting C++17

XDMA Driver [optional]

Only required when using an FPGA board, connected to a host system via PCIe.

Use the latest version from the official git.

Checkout and build

git clone https://github.com/Xilinx/dma_ip_drivers
cd dma_ip_drivers/XDMA/linux-kernel/xdma
sudo make install

Test load the driver

cd ../tests
sudo ./load_driver.sh

Additional settings for both:

Allow users to access the XDMA devices

echo "SUBSYSTEM==\"xdma\", GROUP=\"users\", MODE=\"0666\"" | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/60-xdma.rules
sudo udevadm trigger

Check permissions

The following command should output several xdma0_xxxx devices, e.g., xdma0_c2h_0 and xdma0_h2c_0, the number of devices and which are available depends on the configuration of the XDMA endpoint. If no devices are displayed make sure the FPGA is plugged in and has been programmed.

ls -la /dev/xdma*

Automatically load the driver on boot

echo "xdma" | sudo tee /etc/modules
echo "options xdma poll_mode=1" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/xdma_options.conf 

API Installation / Usage

For a fully working example please refer to the examples provided in the samples folder.

Include the API into a project

Clone the git into your project or add it as a submodule

git clone https://github.com/fporrmann/CLAP.git

When using CMake simply add CLAP as follows:

# Find CLAP and initialize its variables
find_package(CLAP PATHS CLAP/API/cmake/modules REQUIRED)

# Add CLAP to the include directories

# Link against the libraries required by the CLAP
target_link_libraries (<YOUR_PROJECT_NAME> PRIVATE ${CLAP_LIBS})

When not using CMake, add CLAP/API/include to the include search path of your environment and link against pthread (or whichever threading library is used by your compiler in combination with std::thread).

Use the API

Please refer to the DDRAccess example.


Add the UIO driver to the kernel

  1. Open the kernel configuration
petalinux-config -c kernel
  1. Enable the UIO driver
Device Drivers -> Userspace I/O drivers -> Userspace platform driver with generic irq and dynamic memory
  1. Save the configuration and exit
  2. Open the PetaLinux configuration
  1. Modify the boot arguments to include the UIO driver
DTG-settings -> Kernel bootargs -> Add extra boot args
  1. Add the following
  1. Save the configuration and exit
  2. Build PetaLinux, using petalinux-build

Setup IP core in the device tree to use the UIO driver

  1. Find the IP core object name in the device tree, the object name is usually the same as the unique name of the IP block in Vivado. An AXI DMA core for example by default is called axi_dma_ID, where ID is the instance id of the block, starting at zero. In the device tree, the start of the AXI DMA object would look similar to this axi_dma_0: dma@40010000 {, with axi_dma_0 being the object name and dma@40010000 being the name and address.
cat components/plnx_workspace/device-tree/device-tree/pl.dtsi
  1. Open the user overlay dtsi file:
nano project-spec/meta-user/recipes-bsp/device-tree/files/system-user.dtsi 
  1. After }; add the following (replace <OBJ_NAME> with the object name from step 1, e.g., axi_dma_0):
    compatible = "generic-uio";
  1. Build PetaLinux, e.g., using petalinux-build or if the project has already been built and only changes to the device tree have been made using petalinux-build -c kernel
  2. After booting the new kernel a UIO device should be listed under /dev/ with the name uioX, where X is the number of the device, starting at zero.

Add access to memory

The way to make memory accessible differs, depending on the target device.

A dedicated memory for the PL exists

In this case, the memory, e.g., a DDR4 module, simply has to be added to the block design, connected to the PL, and assigned an address. When building PetaLinux, the memory instance then has to be configured to use the UIO driver. Afterward, the memory will be accessible from within the host system.

PL and PS share a single memory

This is the often case on low-cost embedded devices such as the Zybo Z7. Here, some of the memory has to be marked as exclusive memory for the FPGA design, this can be done as follows:

  1. Open the device tree overlay
nano project-spec/meta-user/recipes-bsp/device-tree/files/system-user.dtsi 
  1. Add the following after / { and before };
    // Restrict the memory available to the kernel to the first 512MB
    memory {
        device_type = "memory";
        reg = <0x00000000 0x20000000>;

    // Create a new memory region (shm) for the FPGA design, starting at address 0x20000000 with a size of 512MB.
    // The name of the region is shm0 and it can be accessed using the UIO driver.
    shm: shm0@20000000 {
        compatible = "generic-uio";
        reg = <0x20000000 0x20000000>;
  1. Build PetaLinux, e.g., using petalinux-build or if the project has already been built and only changes to the device tree have been made using petalinux-build -c kernel

Using an IP core with multiple interrupt lines in combination with the UIO driver

By default, the UIO driver only supports a single interrupt line. To use an IP core with multiple interrupt lines either the driver needs to be modified or the IP core needs to be interconnected with an AXI Interrupt Controller. The latter is the easier approach and is described here.

  1. In the Vivado block design add an AXI Interrupt Controller to the design
  2. Connect the clk and reset signals of the AXI Interrupt Controller to the clk and reset signals of the IP core
  3. Change the Interrupt Output Connection of the AXI Interrupt Controller to Single
  4. Add a Concat IP core to the design
  5. Set the Number of Ports of the Concat IP core to the number of interrupt lines of the IP core
  6. Connect the interrupt lines of the IP core to the input ports of the Concat IP core
  7. Connect the output port of the Concat IP core to the Interrupt Request (intr) port of the AXI Interrupt Controller
  8. Connect the Interrupt (irq) port of the AXI Interrupt Controller to the IRQ_F2P port of the PS

Next, generate a new bitstream, export the hardware, and update the hardware description of the PetaLinux project using:

petalinux-config --get-hw-description=<PATH_TO_VIVADO_PROJECT>

Afterward, the device tree needs to be updated to reflect the changes made to the hardware description, it is especially important to configure the AXI Interrupt Controller to use the UIO driver. This can be done by following the steps described in the section Setup IP core in the device tree to use the UIO driver.

For an example of how to use an AXI DMA together with an AXI Interrupt Controller please refer to the PetaLinux AxiDMA Example.

Modifications required when trying to use UIO together with an IP core whose interrupt line is connected to an AXI Interrupt Controller

In setups where an AXI Interrupt Controller acts as an intermediary between the IP core and the PS by default no UIO device will be created for the IP core. It is currently not entirely clear why this happens, but by removing the interrupt-parent property from the device tree object of the IP core this problem can be circumvented.

  1. Open the device tree overlay
nano project-spec/meta-user/recipes-bsp/device-tree/files/system-user.dtsi 
  1. Change the override for the IP core to the following (replace <OBJ_NAME> with the name of the object, e.g., axi_dma_0):
    compatible = "generic-uio";
    /delete-property/ interrupt-parent;
  1. Build PetaLinux, e.g., using petalinux-build or if the project has already been built and only changes to the device tree have been made using petalinux-build -c kernel

Allow users to access the UIO devices without root permissions

Variant A (online):

echo "SUBSYSTEM==\"uio\", GROUP=\"users\", MODE=\"0666\"" | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/uio.rules
sudo udevadm trigger

Variant B (integrate as bitbake recipe in petalinux-build):

  1. Create folder for udev rules recipes in your petalinux folder:
mkdir -p project-spec/meta-user/recipes-core/user-udev-rules/files
  1. Copy content of doc/project_spec/... to your project-spec folder
  • place user-udev-rules.bb into project-spec/meta-user/recipes-core/user-udev-rules/
  • place 99-uio-device.rules into project-spec/meta-user/recipes-core/user-udev-rules/files
  1. Append to project-spec/meta-user/conf/petalinuxbsp.conf
IMAGE_INSTALL:pn-petalinux-image-minimal:append = " user-udev-rules"
  1. Re-build and deploy.


For Baremetal it is currently required to increase the size of the STACK, HEAP, and IRQ_STACK in the linker script script.ld. The default values are too small for the CLAP API. The following values are recommended:

STACK_SIZE     = 0x10000;
HEAP_SIZE      = 0x20000;
// Only present on 32-bit systems
IRQ_STACK_SIZE =  0x1000;

Furthermore, the EMBEDDED_XILINX define has to be set before including the CLAP API. This can be done by either adding the following to the compiler flags:


Or by adding the following to the source code before the first CLAP include: