colcon build failed
smp4966 opened this issue · 0 comments
Hi, I installed ROS 2 Foxy and its work perfectly
Then follow the instruction from this website ( to install the ros-bridge.
1)Install ROS: For Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal)(Debian packages)(
2)CARLA 0.9.13 bulid with UE4.26.2 (python 3.8)
mkdir -p ~/carla-ros-bridge && cd ~/carla-ros-bridge
git clone --recurse-submodules src/ros-bridge
Set up the ROS environment:source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash
rosdep update
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r
but I got some problems.
when running colcon build , it always failed at carla_ros_scenario_runner_types
[Starting >>> carla_msgs
Starting >>> ros_compatibility
Starting >>> carla_common
Starting >>> carla_ros_scenario_runner_types
Starting >>> carla_waypoint_types
Starting >>> carla_twist_to_control
Starting >>> rqt_carla_control
--- stderr: carla_waypoint_types
/usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/lib/libpython3.8.a(obmalloc.o): relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against symbol `stderr@@GLIBC_2.2.5' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
/usr/bin/ld: final link failed: bad value
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/carla_waypoint_types__python.dir/build.make:148: rosidl_generator_py/carla_waypoint_types/] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:301: CMakeFiles/carla_waypoint_types__python.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [Makefile:141: all] Error 2
Failed <<< carla_waypoint_types [1.27s, exited with code 2]
Aborted <<< carla_ros_scenario_runner_types [1.31s]
Aborted <<< carla_msgs [1.41s]
Aborted <<< carla_common [1.47s]
Aborted <<< carla_twist_to_control [1.39s]
Aborted <<< rqt_carla_control [1.40s]
Aborted <<< ros_compatibility [1.54s]
Summary: 0 packages finished [2.02s]
1 package failed: carla_waypoint_types
6 packages aborted: carla_common carla_msgs carla_ros_scenario_runner_types carla_twist_to_control ros_compatibility rqt_carla_control
3 packages had stderr output: carla_msgs carla_ros_scenario_runner_types carla_waypoint_types
12 packages not processed
Thank you in advance