Setting “sensor_tick” in carla_spawn_objects/config/objects.json doesn't work
suyuzhu opened this issue · 2 comments
Why do I set "fixed_delta_seconds" in ros-bridge/carla_ros_bridge/launch/carla_ros_bridge_with_example_ego_vehicle.launch to 0.01,and set the camera's "sensor_tick" in carla_spawn_objects/config/objects.json to 0.02, but the rostopic hz /carla/ego_vehicle/rgb_front/image is only 10~20, and the camera frequency is different every time I roslaunch carla_ros_bridge_with_example_ego_vehicle.launch
This is the carla_ros_bridge_with_example_ego_vehicle.launch I set:
<!-- -->
<!-- CARLA connection -->
<arg name='host' default='localhost'/>
<arg name='port' default='2000'/>
<arg name='timeout' default='10'/>
<!-- Ego vehicle -->
<arg name='role_name' default='ego_vehicle'/>
<arg name="vehicle_filter" default='vehicle.*'/>
<arg name="spawn_point" default=""/><!-- use comma separated format "x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw" -->
<!-- Map to load on startup (either a predefined CARLA town (e.g. 'Town01'), or a OpenDRIVE map file) -->
<arg name="town" default='Town03'/>
<!-- Enable/disable passive mode -->
<arg name='passive' default='true'/>
<!-- Synchronous mode-->
<arg name='synchronous_mode_wait_for_vehicle_control_command' default='False'/>
<arg name='fixed_delta_seconds' default='0.01'/>
<include file="$(find carla_ros_bridge)/launch/carla_ros_bridge.launch">
<arg name='host' value='$(arg host)'/>
<arg name='port' value='$(arg port)'/>
<arg name='town' value='$(arg town)'/>
<arg name='timeout' value='$(arg timeout)'/>
<arg name='passive' value='$(arg passive)'/>
<arg name='synchronous_mode_wait_for_vehicle_control_command' value='$(arg synchronous_mode_wait_for_vehicle_control_command)'/>
<arg name='fixed_delta_seconds' value='$(arg fixed_delta_seconds)'/>
<!-- the ego vehicle, that will be controlled by an agent (e.g. carla_ad_agent) -->
<include file="$(find carla_spawn_objects)/launch/carla_example_ego_vehicle.launch">
<arg name="objects_definition_file" value='$(find carla_spawn_objects)/config/objects.json'/>
<arg name='role_name' value='$(arg role_name)'/>
<arg name="spawn_point_ego_vehicle" value="$(arg spawn_point)"/>
<arg name="spawn_sensors_only" value="false"/>
<include file="$(find carla_manual_control)/launch/carla_manual_control.launch">
<arg name='role_name' value='$(arg role_name)'/>
And the objects.json camera part is :
"type": "",
"id": "rgb_front",
"spawn_point": {"x": 2.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 2.0, "roll": 0.0, "pitch": 0.0, "yaw": 0.0},
"image_size_x": 800,
"image_size_y": 600,
"fov": 90.0,
When I run the bridge
roslaunch carla_ros_bridge carla_ros_bridge_with_example_ego_vehicle.launch
It can show the fixed_delta_seconds is right
and check the frequence of camera
rostopic hz /carla/ego_vehicle/rgb_front/image
I really don't know what to do to get higher frequence of the sensor.
Can anyone give some advice?
I recently encounter another issue with timing: I want my GNSS sensor to publish at 1 Hz, and it does, but the flow of time inside the simulation is slower than the real time.
But all I have to say for your issue is that the synchronous mode + fixed_delta_seconds setting could have a huge impact on your real-time performance, not just how smooth the simulation is, but also how accurate your sensor frequency is.
So study the doc about these topic and wish the best.
为什么我将 ros-bridge/carla_ros_bridge/launch/carla_ros_bridge_with_example_ego_vehicle.launch 中的“fixed_delta_seconds”设置为 0.01,而在 carla_spawn_objects/config/objects.json 中将相机的**“sensor_tick”**设置为 0.02,但 rostopic hz /carla/ego_vehicle/rgb_front/image 只有 10~20,而且每次 roslaunch carla_ros_bridge_with_example_ego_vehicle.launch 时相机频率都不一样
<!-- --> <launch> <!-- CARLA connection --> <arg name='host' default='localhost'/> <arg name='port' default='2000'/> <arg name='timeout' default='10'/> <!-- Ego vehicle --> <arg name='role_name' default='ego_vehicle'/> <arg name="vehicle_filter" default='vehicle.*'/> <arg name="spawn_point" default=""/><!-- use comma separated format "x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw" --> <!-- Map to load on startup (either a predefined CARLA town (e.g. 'Town01'), or a OpenDRIVE map file) --> <arg name="town" default='Town03'/> <!-- Enable/disable passive mode --> <arg name='passive' default='true'/> <!-- Synchronous mode--> <arg name='synchronous_mode_wait_for_vehicle_control_command' default='False'/> <arg name='fixed_delta_seconds' default='0.01'/> <include file="$(find carla_ros_bridge)/launch/carla_ros_bridge.launch"> <arg name='host' value='$(arg host)'/> <arg name='port' value='$(arg port)'/> <arg name='town' value='$(arg town)'/> <arg name='timeout' value='$(arg timeout)'/> <arg name='passive' value='$(arg passive)'/> <arg name='synchronous_mode_wait_for_vehicle_control_command' value='$(arg synchronous_mode_wait_for_vehicle_control_command)'/> <arg name='fixed_delta_seconds' value='$(arg fixed_delta_seconds)'/> </include> <!-- the ego vehicle, that will be controlled by an agent (e.g. carla_ad_agent) --> <include file="$(find carla_spawn_objects)/launch/carla_example_ego_vehicle.launch"> <arg name="objects_definition_file" value='$(find carla_spawn_objects)/config/objects.json'/> <arg name='role_name' value='$(arg role_name)'/> <arg name="spawn_point_ego_vehicle" value="$(arg spawn_point)"/> <arg name="spawn_sensors_only" value="false"/> </include> <include file="$(find carla_manual_control)/launch/carla_manual_control.launch"> <arg name='role_name' value='$(arg role_name)'/> </include> </launch>
"sensors": [ { "type": "", "id": "rgb_front", "spawn_point": {"x": 2.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 2.0, "roll": 0.0, "pitch": 0.0, "yaw": 0.0}, "image_size_x": 800, "image_size_y": 600, "fov": 90.0, "sensor_tick":0.02 },
roslaunch carla_ros_bridge carla_ros_bridge_with_example_ego_vehicle.launch
Rostopic hz /carla/ego_vehicle/rgb_front/Image
我真的不知道该怎么做才能获得更高的传感器频率。谁能给出一些建议? 谢谢!
为什么我将 ros-bridge/carla_ros_bridge/launch/carla_ros_bridge_with_example_ego_vehicle.launch 中的“fixed_delta_seconds”设置为 0.01,而在 carla_spawn_objects/config/objects.json 中将相机的**“sensor_tick”**设置为 0.02,但 rostopic hz /carla/ego_vehicle/rgb_front/image 只有 10~20,而且每次 roslaunch carla_ros_bridge_with_example_ego_vehicle.launch 时相机频率都不一样
<!-- --> <launch> <!-- CARLA connection --> <arg name='host' default='localhost'/> <arg name='port' default='2000'/> <arg name='timeout' default='10'/> <!-- Ego vehicle --> <arg name='role_name' default='ego_vehicle'/> <arg name="vehicle_filter" default='vehicle.*'/> <arg name="spawn_point" default=""/><!-- use comma separated format "x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw" --> <!-- Map to load on startup (either a predefined CARLA town (e.g. 'Town01'), or a OpenDRIVE map file) --> <arg name="town" default='Town03'/> <!-- Enable/disable passive mode --> <arg name='passive' default='true'/> <!-- Synchronous mode--> <arg name='synchronous_mode_wait_for_vehicle_control_command' default='False'/> <arg name='fixed_delta_seconds' default='0.01'/> <include file="$(find carla_ros_bridge)/launch/carla_ros_bridge.launch"> <arg name='host' value='$(arg host)'/> <arg name='port' value='$(arg port)'/> <arg name='town' value='$(arg town)'/> <arg name='timeout' value='$(arg timeout)'/> <arg name='passive' value='$(arg passive)'/> <arg name='synchronous_mode_wait_for_vehicle_control_command' value='$(arg synchronous_mode_wait_for_vehicle_control_command)'/> <arg name='fixed_delta_seconds' value='$(arg fixed_delta_seconds)'/> </include> <!-- the ego vehicle, that will be controlled by an agent (e.g. carla_ad_agent) --> <include file="$(find carla_spawn_objects)/launch/carla_example_ego_vehicle.launch"> <arg name="objects_definition_file" value='$(find carla_spawn_objects)/config/objects.json'/> <arg name='role_name' value='$(arg role_name)'/> <arg name="spawn_point_ego_vehicle" value="$(arg spawn_point)"/> <arg name="spawn_sensors_only" value="false"/> </include> <include file="$(find carla_manual_control)/launch/carla_manual_control.launch"> <arg name='role_name' value='$(arg role_name)'/> </include> </launch>
"sensors": [ { "type": "", "id": "rgb_front", "spawn_point": {"x": 2.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 2.0, "roll": 0.0, "pitch": 0.0, "yaw": 0.0}, "image_size_x": 800, "image_size_y": 600, "fov": 90.0, "sensor_tick":0.02 },
roslaunch carla_ros_bridge carla_ros_bridge_with_example_ego_vehicle.launch
Rostopic hz /carla/ego_vehicle/rgb_front/Image
我真的不知道该怎么做才能获得更高的传感器频率。谁能给出一些建议? 谢谢!
@suyuzhu Have you resolved it? I'm encountering the same issue now.