
Trouble Launching Multiple ROS Foxy Vehicles to Publish Sensors

javierAraluce opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello, I'm having trouble launching multiple vehicles using ROS, specifically ROS Foxy, to publish the sensors of the different vehicles.
Has anyone managed to do it?

Hi there,
I am having the same issue, managed to run multiple vehicles by asigning a rolename to each one when launching manual_control, but after executing the bridge, I am not being able to see all their sensors. It seems like a tf problem:

[bridge-1] [WARN] [1689926426.520916688] [carla_ros_bridge]: Gnss(224): skipping old frame 11842, expected 11843
[bridge-1] [WARN] [1689926426.521359634] [carla_ros_bridge]: ImuSensor(225): skipping old frame 11841, expected 11843
[bridge-1] [WARN] [1689926426.521677734] [carla_ros_bridge]: ImuSensor(225): skipping old frame 11842, expected 11843
[bridge-1] [WARN] [1689926426.522129867] [carla_ros_bridge]: RgbCamera(226): skipping old frame 11841, expected 11843
[bridge-1] [WARN] [1689926426.522442837] [carla_ros_bridge]: RgbCamera(226): skipping old frame 11842, expected 11843

Captura desde 2023-07-21 10-04-25

If anyone has faced or solved this problem before, any help would be highly welcome.