Lidar sensor doesn't recognize map made by RoadRunner
shhy01 opened this issue · 2 comments
Hi I want to know how to sense the map made by RoadRunner, for carla-ros-bridge.
The problem is that my lidar sensor can't find parts of map(such as barricade).
(but rgb-d camera, ... works!)
rostopic echo /carla/ego_vehicle/lidar
result -> data: []
I add multiple cylinders in unreal engines for test, then lidar sensor find only cylinders.
How can I do to sense other things?
Although recommended, road runner is owned by matworks.
The main CARLA issues may be a better place to ask
Although recommended, road runner is owned by matworks. The main CARLA issues may be a better place to ask
Thanks for your comments and attention! 😺
Fortunately, I've solved this issue before.
(As you said, I think it was reasonable to ask to the main CARLA issues. 😅 )
I found that many ways of types can support to import maps on CARLA.
① .fbx ② .udatasmith ③or just using command ('make import')
I used .fbx file that day.
Re-creating a custom map by .udatasmith will work.
I hope this comment will help someone. :D