Package for parsing command-line arguments to Julia programs.
- 3
First argument parsed incorrectly
#117 opened by cirobr - 2
Has this been abandoned?
#124 opened by synthfi - 6
TagBot trigger issue
#103 opened by JuliaTagBot - 0
Allow default values convertible to arg_type
#123 opened by baumgold - 2
ArgParse modifies global random state?
#121 opened by veddox - 1
Parametrize lc_len_limit
#129 opened by ahojukka5 - 1
ArgParse 1.1.5 prints `desc` while precompiling
#130 opened by bluesmoon - 1
#127 opened by stefanocovino - 5
equivalent of python argparse choices?
#39 opened by nbecker - 3
- 1
- 1
How to separate julia options?
#120 opened by sptrakesh - 0
Support nested options
#119 opened by acdupont - 0
Make the "type:" and "default:" string automatically generated by `--help` optional
#118 opened by brainandforce - 1
Parsing a numeric vector
#115 opened by fkrauer - 2
Argument missing from parsed dict
#116 opened by albheim - 3
Using arguments in the REPL
#101 opened by tomchor - 1
Make ArgParseError richer
#81 opened by oxinabox - 3
- 1
Return a NamedTuple instread of a Dict?
#80 opened by oxinabox - 0
Shell completion generation
#99 opened by ninjin - 5
Type conversion fails on valid input
#98 opened by paigeweber13 - 0
- 4
How to add command abbreviation or command alias
#59 opened by diam - 2
Idea to update `parse_item`?
#86 opened by magerton - 1
Parsing string with internal quotes
#36 opened by shivchawla - 5
- 1
Feature request: Add mutually exclusive options
#58 opened by lucatrv - 0
- 0
Feature request: support REPL usage
#83 opened by mattuntergassmair - 3
- 0
Customize the handling of unrecognized options.
#82 opened by oxinabox - 2
not exiting Julia after help
#41 opened by denizyuret - 1
`ERROR: MethodError: no method matching normpath` when running `compile_package`
#75 opened by pbouffard - 2
Running tests individually
#71 opened by s-celles - 4
- 3
Julia 0.7/1.0 testing
#68 opened by s-celles - 1
Tests inside testsets
#69 opened by s-celles - 3
Add custom error message if range_tester fails?
#66 opened by endrebak - 4
ArgParse cannot be installed on Julia 0.6.3
#65 opened by karatedog - 0
- 1
Tag new release
#60 opened by ararslan - 2
Add support for subcommands
#62 opened by kdheepak - 4
- 0
- 1
description strips single "\n" characters
#49 opened by lucatrv - 14
Slow command line argument parsing
#37 opened by fguevaravas - 5
ArgParse: fetch failed to get commit 7e0f30e78a
#46 opened by nbonacker - 0
support for ConfigureAction
#44 opened by nbecker - 0