
Backend API for the Find My WOD Capstone Project.

MIT LicenseMIT

Find My Wod - API

Final Capstone Project.

This is a solo project at the end of the Microverse Main Technical Curriculum. It's a real-world-like project, built with business specifications to improve and test the achievement of technical and soft skills gained during the program. The technical requirements of this API project are:

  1. The database should have at least 2 tables
  2. Use Postgres as your database
  3. Back-end you will use Ruby on Rails
  4. Create a REST API to manage database resources

Built With

  • Ruby on Rails
  • JWT
  • Heroku

How To Use


This application is the back-end API used with the project Find My Wod - Front-End

The tables created are related according to the following diagram:

Tables Diagram

Endpoints of API

Endpoint Functionality
POST /users/new Create Users
POST /authentication Log In Users
GET /api/v1/wods Get all Wods
GET /api/v1/wods/:id Get all Specific Wod
GET /api/v1/favourites Get all Favourited Wods
POST /api/v1/favourites Add Wod to Favourites
DELETE /api/v1/favourites/:id Remove Wod from favourites

Deployed At:


Getting Started

Clone the repository by clicking on "Clone or Download" and copy the given link. In your terminal, go to the folder where you want the project to be and use the following command:

git clone https://github.com/carlosveigadev/find-my-wod-backend.git

After that, open the folder with the code editor of your choice and follow the steps below.

Setting up the necessary packages:

Make sure you have Yarn installed in your machine.

Open the terminal and go to the folder of the game and run the following commands:
yarn install

bundle install

Those commands will ensure you installed the proper packages required and install all the gems needed for the project.

Configure the Database

You need to configure the database with the following commands:
rails db:create db:migrate db:seed

This command will create the database, migrate the tables as necessary, and populate it with some data.

If you have any problem configuring postgresql, check this docs for more info

Starting the Server

To start the server run:
rails s -p 3001

This command will make sure you run the project at the 3001 port, so you don't have any conflict with the front-end port, which is usually 3000.


To check the test run the following command:
bundle exec rspec


👤 Carlos Veiga

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!


  • Microverse for the opportunity;
  • The Minskins for the support.

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.