Carnegie Mellon Racing Monolithic Repository

This repository consolidates individual board codebases into a single, unified structure. Each board retains its distinct directory, preserving the concept of individual board repositories while benefiting from a centralized codebase.

Overview of Boards

  • DIM: Driver Interface Module
  • HVC: High Voltage Controller
  • DCM: Dynamic Controller Module
  • RAM: Remote Access Module
  • VSM: Vehicle Safety Module
  • LV-BMS : Low Voltage Batttery Management System


  • CMake
  • STM32CubeCLT If you are part of CMR this is a comprehensive guide for setup.

Why Use a Monorepo?

Unified Driver Code

Previously, each board maintained its own detached version of the stm32f413-drivers repository. This fragmentation led to:

  • Slightly different versions of hotfixes across boards.
  • Debugging nightmare when using PCAN, where symbol files could differ between boards.
  • New members not understanding how to use submodules

By transitioning to a monorepo, we eliminate this fragmentation, ensuring a single source of truth for all driver code.

Simplified Car Flashing

With individual repositories, flashing the entire car was complex and error-prone. The monorepo provides:

  • A unified process for flashing all boards.
  • Consistency in the version of code deployed across the car.

Alignment with Industry Practices

Adopting a monorepo mirrors the practices of many modern engineering teams, enhancing collaboration, maintainability, and scalability.


With monorepo we can implement Github Actions, which allow simple build tests and checks to have a weak guarantee that code will work.