
Please help me solve the errors in the following

yichuan-huang opened this issue · 1 comments

I generated the map and then run pure localization by following the document which tell me to execute roslaunch cartographer_ros demo_backpack_3d_localization.launch
But there is an error : [FATAL] [1699078430.846453053]: F1104 14:13:50.000000 2543] Check failed: in_.good() Failed to open proto stream '/home/ubuntu/Downloads/b3-2016-04-05-13-54-42.bag.pbstream'.

I have no idea to solve it.

More issue about the example I have found:

  1. when executing roslaunch cartographer_ros demo_revo_lds.launch bag_filename:=${HOME}/Downloads/cartographer_paper_revo_lds.bag, there is an error:
    RLException: [offline_mir_100_rviz.launch] is neither a launch file in package [cartographer_mir] nor is [cartographer_mir] a launch file name

  2. when executing roslaunch cartographer_ros demo_pr2.launch bag_filename:=${HOME}/Downloads/2011-09-15-08-32-46.bag, it tells me RLException: RLException: Roslaunch got a 'No such file or directory' error while attempting to run:

/home/ubuntu/catkin_ws/install_isolated/lib/cartographer_ros/ tf_out:=/tf __name:=tf_remove_frames __log:=/home/ubuntu/.ros/log/47322928-7ad9-11ee-8ab6-7730202fe40c/tf_remove_frames-3.log

Please make sure that all the executables in this command exist and have
executable permission. This is often caused by a bad launch-prefix.

But I have downloaded the bag