
Viewer for many 3D and 2D model formats: glTF, X3D, VRML, Collada, 3DS, MD3, Wavefront OBJ, STL, Spine JSON, sprite sheets in Cocos2D and Starling XML formats

Primary LanguagePascal


view3dscene is a viewer for all 3D and 2D model formats supported by Castle Game Engine.

Supported formats:

  • glTF 2.0
  • X3D
  • VRML 2.0 (aka VRML 97) and 1.0
  • Spine JSON
  • Sprite sheets (in CGE, Starling and Cocos2d formats)
  • castle-anim-frames
  • OpenInventor (IV)
  • 3DS
  • MD3
  • Wavefront OBJ
  • Collada
  • STL

See also Castle Game Engine model formats.

Complete documentation on https://castle-engine.io/view3dscene.php .

Using Castle Game Engine, see https://castle-engine.io/ .


tovrmlx3d is a simple command-line program to convert various 3D file formats to X3D, and to pretty-print X3D and VRML. Note that you can also use view3dscene for this task (view3dscene has menu items to do it interactively, and command-line options to do it in batch mode). But sometimes using "tovrmlx3d" may be useful as it has lighter requirements (not linked with any GUI libraries, which is useful on a server).

The documentation of command-line options to perform convertion is on https://castle-engine.io/view3dscene.php#section_converting .


GNU GPL >= 2.