
A collection of ROS sample applications for the NVidia JetBot to run in AWS RoboMaker. This repository includes sample applications for simple motion, line following, SLAM and GMapping.

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AWS Sample Applications for the Waveshare JetBot

Waveshare JetBot

A collection of ROS sample applications for the Waveshare JetBot to run in AWS RoboMaker. This repository includes the following sample applications:

  • Line Following: This simple navigation application parses frames from the camera feed using OpenCV and instructs the Jetbot to follow a line.
  • SLAM and GMapping: This sample application will run move_base, gmapping and SLAM - enabling you to generate maps using AWS provided open source 3D worlds.
  • Simple Motion: This sample application performs basic rotation and forward motion commands.


To run these sample applications, you can use the AWS RoboMaker IDE. For a full description on how to setup and get started with the virtual deskop feature in AWS RoboMaker, See our blog.

  1. Open AWS RoboMaker in the AWS console. Click on Development Environments.

  2. Click Create Development environment. It will take a few minutes to provision your IDE. Once provisioned, it will open a new window.

  3. In the terminal of the IDE (bottom pane), run the following commands:

        cd ~/environment
        git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-robomaker-jetbot-ros
        cd aws-robomaker-jetbot-ros
        chmod +x ./setup.sh

Build (and modify) the sample applications using the AWS RoboMaker IDE.

The sample applications in this repository can be run on a Gazebo simulation.

  1. Open a Virtual Desktop by clicking the virtual desktop button in the top navigation tool bar. This will open a pop-up window, if you are prompted, allow your browser to open the pop-up window.

  2. Move the new window adjacent to your IDE browser window. In the terminal of the IDE, set the display to the virtual desktop:

    export DISPLAY=:0
  3. Next, we will build the ROS application to run in simulation. Note: every time you make a code change to the ROS packages in this sample repository, you will need to run this command to re-build the application.

    cd ~/environment/aws-robomaker-jetbot-ros
    colcon build

Running the sample applications

Now that the ROS application is built, we can source the application and run the simulation. To run the sample applications, simply source the built workspace then invoke the roslaunch file. Below are the three sample applications you can run.

To start, ensure you are in the base workspace directory and the application has been sourced.

cd ~/environment/aws-robomaker-jetbot-ros
source install/setup.sh
  1. In the first sample application, the Jetbot will perform a simple motion task. It will move 1 m forward, rotate 180 degrees in place, then will move another 1 m forward.

    roslaunch simple_motion simple_motion_sim.launch
  2. In the next sample application, the Jetbot will navigate around a simple track by following a line.

    roslaunch line_following line_following line_following_sim.launch
  3. In the final sample, we will run a SLAM and gmapping demo. There are three worlds to choose from; small_house, bookstore and small_warehouse. Simply update the world:=<world> paramater with the world you would like to use!

    roslaunch slam_demo explore_world.launch world:=bookstore

Congratulations!! The simulation should now be running. To run another application, look through the aws_example_apps folder. In each example app, there is a launch folder with launch files you can run using the command structure above.

Waveshare JetBot with a Lidar

Deploy and run with an NVidia Jetbot Kit

Coming Soon!