
How to use with MKV file?

Closed this issue · 11 comments

I am trying to use the latest release with an MKV file output by Make MKV. It is erroring out with "No MVC video found in disc info". Do I have to start over with a disk, or can I use the mkv directly?

Traceback attempting to use the cli:

Finished Get disc and MVC video properties in 3 seconds
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/homebrew/bin/bd-to-avp", line 8, in <module>
  File "/Users/jayadev/.bd_to_avp_venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/bd_to_avp/__main__.py", line 43, in main
  File "/Users/jayadev/.bd_to_avp_venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/bd_to_avp/modules/process.py", line 91, in start_process
  File "/Users/jayadev/.bd_to_avp_venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/bd_to_avp/modules/process.py", line 41, in process
  File "/Users/jayadev/.bd_to_avp_venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/bd_to_avp/modules/process.py", line 46, in process_each
    disc_info = get_disc_and_mvc_video_info()
  File "/Users/jayadev/.bd_to_avp_venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/bd_to_avp/modules/disc.py", line 95, in get_disc_and_mvc_video_info
    raise ValueError("No MVC video found in disc info.")
ValueError: No MVC video found in disc info.

Hi! The Apple Silicon requirement is from Apple. The spatial encoder used is in the Apple framework and does not exist (at this point) in the Intel frameworks.

As far as the MKV issue, that usually occurs when a MKV has not MVC video. By default MakeMKV does not select the MVC video track. Have you tried using the source disc/iso instead of the MKV? Is there a reason you are ripping with MakeMKV first?

Thanks so much for your response, this is an awesome tool you've developed and shared! The drive I am using is only compatible with intel, I am using that then converting using your tool on a different m3 mac. I can try selecting the mvc video track on another run through with the drive.

Update: For anyone looking to do the same, MakeMKV has a forum topic on this - https://forum.makemkv.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=23562

One of the users added this, it may be relevant note on Blu-ray drives

It looks like following the guide and checking the MVC box is working. Going to wait until the conversion completes to be on the safe side and then I'll close out the issue. So far so good!

For the record I ran into the SRT subtitle issue mentioned in #21 . The step icon froze. This was starting on stage 1 with an mkv ripped with mvc checked. I am trying again with skip subtitles selected.

For the record I ran into the SRT subtitle issue mentioned in #21 . The step icon froze. This was starting on stage 1 with an mkv ripped with mvc checked. I am trying again with skip subtitles selected.

If you are using a recent version it is probably a different issue. I have found some interface bugs I am cleaning up with the last and next prerelease.

Gotcha. FWIW you're a hero!

For the record, what is the intention with the stages? Am I supposed to as a user do each one consecutively? Which ones are dependent on the others? Or can I pick and choose - say I already have the MKV with MVC, can I skip straight to the left right stage, then create the final file?

Start stages began as a troubleshooting/debugging tool. I left it in the GUI incase a user needed to continue from a certain point. For example if you ran out of space on the last step, you could free up space then continue without wasting hours.

Starting from stage 1 and 2 is basically the same thing, so you can ignore that. If you are inputing a MKV, it will detect that and skip the processing in stage one.

If you had an issue with subtitles, it would allow you to continue, BUT if you were operating on a folder (multiple files) it would try to start from a stage after one on the subsequent files which caused an error. There was also an issue where the subtitle converter (from sup to srt) was caching the temp folder and causing an issue. I'm testing those changes now. The icon freezing in my experience has been due to the temp folder so I am hoping these changes fix that.

Got it. Makes total sense and that explanation helps a lot. It's still running so I'll leave it for now and post once it does its thing. TYVM!

I'm still having trouble with getting a full copy but I don't think it's related to my original question. I'll close this out as resolved for now. Thank you!

@saranicole if you haven't already, try the latest prerelease from last night. I fixed some bugs related to processing.