
Simple UART implementation in Verilog

Primary LanguageVerilogMIT LicenseMIT


Simple 8-bit UART implementation in Verilog HDL.

This is originally based on verilog-uart, which doesn't work. It fixes several issues with the transmit and receive code, adds majority voting for bit sampling, and introduces valid/ready signals for control. It was synthesized using Yosys and successfully tested on an FPGA (up to 115200 baud driven by a 48 MHz clock, both transmit and receive.)

It assumes 8 data bits, 1 start bit, 1 stop bit, and no parity. The receiver uses 16x oversampling, majority voting over 3 consecutive samples and double buffering of the received byte. The transmit and receive modules are separate and can be used independently.

UART Transmitter


  • CLOCK_RATE - clock rate (default 50 MHz)
  • BAUD_RATE - target baud rate (default 115200 baud)


  • clk [input wire] - clock (gets divided internally for baud generation)
  • reset [intput wire] - reset signal
  • enable [input wire] - enable signal
  • valid [input wire] - starts TX when held high for 1 clock cycle
  • in [input wires, 8-bit wide] - byte to transmit, latched internally when valid goes high
  • out [output register] - UART TX signal
  • ready [output register] - high when the module is ready to transmit a new byte


  • 8N1 only (8-bit data word, 1 start bit, 1 stop bit)
  • internal baud rate generation
  • ready goes high when the transmitter is ready to send
  • to start TX, the user drives valid high for 1 clock cycle

UART Receiver


  • CLOCK_RATE - clock rate (default 50 MHz)
  • BAUD_RATE - target baud rate (default 115200 baud)


  • clk [input wire] - clock (gets divided internally for baud generation)
  • reset [intput wire] - reset signal
  • enable [input wire] - enable signal
  • in [input wire] - UART RX signal
  • ready [input wire] - driven high to signal that the received byte in out was processed and a new RX transaction can begin
  • out [output 8-bit register] - received byte
  • valid [output register] - goes high when out contains a received byte
  • error [output register] - high when a frame error occurred
  • overrun [output register] - high when RX overrun occurred


  • 8N1 only (8-bit data word, 1 start bit, 1 stop bit)
  • valid goes high after successful RX
  • valid is cleared as soon as a high ready is detected
  • internal baud rate generation
  • 16x baud rate oversampling, majority voting over 3 samples for bit sensing
  • double-buffered read: a new RX can start before the last received byte has been read