
Codelistener is part of the plugin RhinoPython. It is the RhinoPython server that runs in Rhino that listens to VS Code editor.

Installation & Usage

For the instructions of installation and usage please refer to RhinoPython readme.


  • CodeListener: Start CodeListener in the background.
  • StopCodeListener: Stop CodeListener, to allow other rhino instances to run CodeListener. Automatically stopped if current rhino instance exits.
  • CodeListenerVersion: Check current CodeListener version.
  • CodeListenerExecute: Allow Rhino to execute a file with given path. Can be used in combination with keyboard shortcut. For instance: F2 binds to _-CodeListenerExecute "C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros 5 (64-bit)\Plug-ins\IronPython\RhinoIronPython.chm" _Enter
  • ResetScriptEngine: Reset Rhino python script engine.