
To deploy the project:

  1. Stop all services in the VM
    $ make stop
  1. Update changes
  2. Start services again
    $ make run-build
  1. To make a clean (This will delete the db):
    $ make clean

To just run services:

    $ make run

Docker Services

To run containers in APIsGateway folder:

    $ docker-compose up

To run a container:

    $ docker-compose up <TagServiceName>

To run any of the services tags:

  • tile38-leader (Tile 38)
  • tile38-follower (Tile 38)
  • db (Mysql)
  • app (App-Flask Endpoints)
  • janus-server (Janus)
  • detection-server (Image Processing Server)


In WebRTCGuideApp folder To run WebApp in dev mode:

    $ yarn dev

To build WebApp:

    $ yarn build

If the previous command results in a JavaScript heap out of memory error, run the following workaround:

   $ node --max_old_space_size=4096 ./node_modules/vite/bin/vite.js build