
T1D ImmunoChip association analysis in African American subjects

Primary LanguageR

### Data locations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#African American ImmunoChip data release

#Source of T1DGC samples

#Credible snp list

#Significant results from European GWAS

### PLINK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#Remove IBD subjects
plink --bfile /m/jdrfdn_scratch/users/projects/IMCHIP/20160316_African_American_IMCHIP/release/AA_icaa_hg19 --remove /m/jdrfdn_scratch/users/projects/IMCHIP/20160316_African_American_IMCHIP/release/remove_ibd.txt --make-bed  --out AA_icaa_hg19_noIBD --noweb 

#note: it looks like IBD subjects were already removed from the principal component files

#Run association analysis adjusting for 2 principal components and gender
#plink --bfile AA_icaa_hg19_noIBD --logistic --covar pc2.txt  --sex --out plink.logistic.2PC_chr21 --chr 21 --noweb --adjust

plink --bfile AA_icaa_hg19_noIBD --logistic --covar pc2.txt  --sex --out plink.logistic.2PC --noweb --adjust

plink --bfile AA_icaa_hg19_noIBD --logistic --covar pc4.txt  --sex --out plink.logistic.4PC --noweb

#Get allele frequencies
plink --bfile AA_icaa_hg19_noIBD --freq --noweb

### KING ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#Calculate relatedness
king -b AA_icaa_hg19_noIBD.bed --related --cpus 30 --degree 2

### LOCUSZOOM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

#generate files in EPACTS format (chr, start, end, markerID, pvalue)
#use --epacts option
#set region using --chr, --start, --end options
#locuszoom will identify the top hit within the region using chr:pos
#also can use --refsnp chr#:### with --flank 

/m/cphg-expr1/cphg-expr1/locuszoom/bin/locuszoom --epacts results_2PCs_epactsformat.txt --markercol MARKER_ID --pvalcol PVALUE --refsnp chr1:173392103 --flank 250kb --build hg19 --pop AFR --source 1000G_March2012 --plotonly

#whole HLA region
/m/cphg-expr1/cphg-expr1/locuszoom/bin/locuszoom --epacts results_2PCs_epactsformat.txt --markercol MARKER_ID --pvalcol PVALUE --chr 6 --start 29500000 --end 33500000 --build hg19 --pop AFR --source 1000G_March2012 --plotonly
#index snp: chr6:32626272 rs9273363

#class I
/m/cphg-expr1/cphg-expr1/locuszoom/bin/locuszoom --epacts results_2PCs_epactsformat.txt --markercol MARKER_ID --pvalcol PVALUE --chr 6 --start 29500000 --end 31500000 --build hg19 --pop AFR --source 1000G_March2012 --plotonly

#class III
/m/cphg-expr1/cphg-expr1/locuszoom/bin/locuszoom --epacts results_2PCs_epactsformat.txt --markercol MARKER_ID --pvalcol PVALUE --chr 6 --start 31500000 --end 32250000 --build hg19 --pop AFR --source 1000G_March2012 --plotonly

#class II
/m/cphg-expr1/cphg-expr1/locuszoom/bin/locuszoom --epacts results_2PCs_epactsformat.txt --markercol MARKER_ID --pvalcol PVALUE --chr 6 --start 32250000 --end 33250000 --build hg19 --pop AFR --source 1000G_March2012 --plotonly

#CHROM 11 
/m/cphg-expr1/cphg-expr1/locuszoom/bin/locuszoom --epacts results_2PCs_epactsformat.txt --markercol MARKER_ID --pvalcol PVALUE --chr 11 --start 1934848 --end 2434848 --build hg19 --pop AFR --source 1000G_March2012 --plotonly
#index snp: chr11:2184848 imm_11_2141424

/m/cphg-expr1/cphg-expr1/locuszoom/bin/locuszoom --epacts results_2PCs_epactsformat.txt --markercol MARKER_ID --pvalcol PVALUE --chr 17 --start 37816240 --end 38316240 --build hg19 --pop AFR --source 1000G_March2012 --plotonly
#index snp: chr17:38066240 imm_17_35319766

############# ATTEMPTS TO USE --metal FORMAT #################
#works with refsnps with rsIDs
#when snps don't have rsIDs it doesn't know how to look for chr:pos
#might work with markerID is set to chr#:###
#/m/cphg-expr1/cphg-expr1/locuszoom/bin/locuszoom --metal results_2PCs_metalformat.txt --markercol SNP --pvalcol P --refsnp rs1739855 --flank 200kb --build hg19 --pop AFR --source 1000G_March2012
#/m/cphg-expr1/cphg-expr1/locuszoom/bin/locuszoom --metal results_2PCs_metalformat.txt --markercol SNP --pvalcol P --refsnp imm_11_2141424 --flank 500kb --build hg19 --pop AFR --source 1000G_March2012
#sed -i '1s/^/#/' results_2PCs_tabixformat.txt #add a hashtag to beginning of file
#bgzip results_2PCs_tabixformat.txt  #compress file
#tabix -p vcf  results_2PCs_tabixformat.txt.gz  #index file
#tabix -h results_2PCs_tabixformat.txt.gz 1:1118275-1186502   #now can extract data from specific regions with a header
#tabix -h results_2PCs_tabixformat.txt.gz 1:1118275-2118275 > test_locuszoom.txt
#/m/cphg-expr1/cphg-expr1/locuszoom/bin/locuszoom --metal test_locuszoom.txt --markercol SNP --pvalcol P --refsnp rs1739855 --flank 100kb --build hg19 --pop AFR --source 1000G_March2012