
DensifyPointCloud error: failed loading image header

citystrawman opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug
I am using DensifyPointCloud to generate a mvs file (I use colmap as my sfm processing software):

DensifyPointCloud --input-file  E:\sfm_mvs_pipeline_test\mid_data\mvs\model_colmap.mvs
--working-folder E:\sfm_mvs_pipeline_test\mid_data\colmap_working_folder 
--output-file E:\sfm_mvs_pipeline_test\mid_data\mvs\model_dense.mvs 
--archive-type -1

the program could load camera model, image as well as scene, then there comes the error messages:

...load camera model and images, lines omitted... 
16:57:47 [App     ] Image loaded  31: 202211161443308.jpg
16:57:47 [App     ] Image loaded  32: 202211161443309.jpg
16:57:47 [App     ] Scene loaded from interface format (1s427ms):
        33 images (33 calibrated) with a total of 373.87 MPixels (11.33 MPixels/image)
        20713 points, 0 vertices, 0 faces
16:57:47 [App     ] The camera directions mean is unbalanced; the scene will be considered unbounded (no ROI)
16:57:47 [App     ] error: does not seem to be a tower: X(0.65), Y(26.43), Z(632.61)
16:57:47 [App     ] Point-cloud composed of 20713 points with:
 - visibility info (113717 views - 5.49 views/point):
                0 points with 1- views (0.00)
             3980 points with 2  views (19.21)
             5448 points with 3  views (26.30)
            11285 points with 4+ views (54.48)
        2 min / 5.49013 mean (4.50841 std) / 43 max
16:57:47 [App     ] error: failed loading image header
16:57:47 [App     ] error: failed loading image header
...  lines omitted
16:57:47 [App     ] error: failed reloading image 'E:/sfm_mvs_pipeline_test/mid_data/colmap_working_folder/images/2022111614433016.jpg'
16:57:47 [App     ] error: failed reloading image 'E:/sfm_mvs_pipeline_test/mid_data/colmap_working_folder/images/2022111614433014.jpg'
16:57:47 [App     ] error: failed reloading image 'E:/sfm_mvs_pipeline_test/mid_data/colmap_working_folder/images/20221116144330.jpg'
...  lines omitted
16:57:48 [App     ] error: preparing images for dense reconstruction failed (errors loading images)
16:57:48 [App     ] MEMORYINFO: {
16:57:48 [App     ]     PageFaultCount 31727
16:57:48 [App     ]     PeakWorkingSetSize 118.13MB
16:57:48 [App     ]     WorkingSetSize 111.14MB
16:57:48 [App     ]     QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage 462.93KB
16:57:48 [App     ]     QuotaPagedPoolUsage 462.82KB
16:57:48 [App     ]     QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage 24.95KB
16:57:48 [App     ]     QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage 24.83KB
16:57:48 [App     ]     PagefileUsage 187.98MB
16:57:48 [App     ]     PeakPagefileUsage 195.31MB
16:57:48 [App     ] } ENDINFO

I searched this error and there are several posts like #644 #521 #402 but there's no detailed solution on it.

I appreciate if anyone could help solve this issue. Thank you.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: windows 10



I just found that this problem is because that DensifyCLoud requires the working folder as the colmap input folder(the folder that contains images, sparse and stereo), so I copied these into the working folder that I set, and now it could work.
However, when the program runs "Estimated depth-maps", it pops out errors:
I will close this issue and try to solve the new problem.....