
Feature Request: Support for Matching Crack Points in Dense Reconstruction

nick0622 opened this issue · 0 comments


I am working on reconstructing a pier with visible cracks on its surface. The current dense reconstruction process does an excellent job of capturing the general structure but lacks the precision to accurately map the cracks visible in the input images. I propose a feature enhancement that allows users to input or mark specific points of interest (e.g., crack endpoints or critical points along the cracks) across different images that the reconstruction algorithm can then use to improve the fidelity of these features in the final model.

Suggested Implementation

  • Point Matching Input: Allow users to input pairs or groups of matched points across images, potentially through a simple GUI or a pre-defined format in a text file.

  • Feature Enhancement: Utilize these points as additional data during the point cloud generation phase to ensure these features are accurately represented.

  • Adjustment Parameters: Offer parameters to adjust the emphasis or weighting of these manually inputted points in the reconstruction process, allowing users to balance between general structure fidelity and detail accuracy.