
error: invalid project when i run the ./DensifyPointCloud test.mvs

jianzhui opened this issue · 2 comments

./DensifyPointCloud test.mvs

the results as follow:
14:14:58 [App ] Build date: Mar 24 2024, 22:01:15
14:14:58 [App ] CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9300H CPU @ 2.40GHz (8 cores)
14:14:58 [App ] RAM: 7.59GB Physical Memory 2.00GB Virtual Memory
14:14:58 [App ] OS: Linux 5.15.0-101-generic (x86_64)
14:14:58 [App ] SSE & AVX compatible CPU & OS detected
14:14:58 [App ] Command line: test.mvs
14:14:58 [App ] error: invalid project

and cat the DensifyPointCloud-2403251414588B5695.log, the result as follow
14:14:58 [App ] Build date: Mar 24 2024, 22:01:15
14:14:58 [App ] CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9300H CPU @ 2.40GHz (8 cores)
14:14:58 [App ] RAM: 7.59GB Physical Memory 2.00GB Virtual Memory
14:14:58 [App ] OS: Linux 5.15.0-101-generic (x86_64)
14:14:58 [App ] SSE & AVX compatible CPU & OS detected
14:14:58 [App ] Command line: test.mvs
14:14:58 [App ] error: invalid project

but i run the example is normal, who can help me... thank you very much
my directory: