
My scene.mvs and images generated by openmvg go into openmvs densifyPointCloud with an error!

hepeixin123 opened this issue · 5 comments

robot@robot:~/code/MVS/openMVS_build$ ./bin/DensifyPointCloud -w /home/robot/code/MVS/data2 -i scene.mvs -o test_dense.mvs
19:57:55 [App ] Build date: May 26 2024, 22:31:03
19:57:55 [App ] CPU: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-11900K @ 3.50GHz (16 cores)
19:57:55 [App ] RAM: 31.26GB Physical Memory 11.44GB Virtual Memory
19:57:55 [App ] OS: Linux 5.4.0-84-generic (x86_64)
19:57:55 [App ] SSE & AVX compatible CPU & OS detected
19:57:55 [App ] Command line: -w /home/robot/code/MVS/data2 -i scene.mvs -o test_dense.mvs
19:57:55 [App ] error: invalid project
how do solve it

Scene.mvs is invalid. Fix it or use one of the interfaces app to import it

robot@robot:~/code/MVS/openMVS_build$ ./bin/ReconstructMesh -w /home/robot/code/MVS/xuexiao -i xuexiao_dense.mvs -o xuexiao_mesh.mvs -d 2.5
15:44:36 [App ] Build date: May 29 2024, 20:41:51
15:44:36 [App ] CPU: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-11900K @ 3.50GHz (16 cores)
15:44:36 [App ] RAM: 31.26GB Physical Memory 27.44GB Virtual Memory
15:44:36 [App ] OS: Linux 5.4.0-150-generic (x86_64)
15:44:36 [App ] SSE & AVX compatible CPU & OS detected
15:44:36 [App ] Command line: -w /home/robot/code/MVS/xuexiao -i xuexiao_dense.mvs -o xuexiao_mesh.mvs -d 2.5
15:45:18 [App ] Scene loaded (41s338ms):
473 images (473 calibrated) with a total of 474.54 MPixels (1.00 MPixels/image)
96740661 points, 0 vertices, 0 faces
Points inserted 96740661 (100%, 6m19s855ms)
15:56:36 [App ] Delaunay tetrahedralization completed: 96740661 points -> 39705681 vertices, 256970743 (+266) cells, 513941619 (+399) faces (11m2s603ms)
Points weighted 39705681 (100%, 11m58s196ms)
16:26:24 [App ] Delaunay tetrahedras weighting completed: 256971009 cells, 513942018 faces (17m46s489ms)
could you tell me how do solve it ?