
What are the units of the extracted camera pose and point cloud?

JV-X opened this issue · 2 comments

JV-X commented

I'm trying to calculate the distance from the camera to a certain point, but when I look at the camera position and point cloud coordinates extracted from the json file, I find that their values ​​are in a range larger than the actual range. I guess it may be a unit problem, but when I look at the values ​​in the Json file, whether it is meters, millimeters or centimeters, they all seem to be wrong. So what are the actual units of the values ​​in the json file generated from the mvs file?

The json file generated from the mvs file with
python .\ -i D:\repo\openMVS\test\scene.mvs -o D:\repo\openMVS\test\scene_2.json:


the unit is whatever was the unit of the input mvs file, OpenMVS does not change the unit
so to find out you need to investigate the SfM step that generates the initial MVS file

JV-X commented

the unit is whatever was the unit of the input mvs file, OpenMVS does not change the unit so to find out you need to investigate the SfM step that generates the initial MVS file

thanks for your time.