
CUDA ERROR: CUDA_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ADDRESS at kernelImageMeshWarp(size, views[idxImageA].depthMap, views[idxImageB].depthMap, mask, CameraCUDA(cameraA, size), CameraCUDA(cameraB, size))

asahdjh opened this issue · 0 comments

Describe the bug
When using the model refinement program to process image data containing different widths and heights, the program fails。
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. getDatas with different widths and heights
  2. DensifyPointCloud
  3. ReconstructMesh
  4. ./bin/RefineMesh --input-file data_path/scene_dense_mesh.mvs --max-face-area 16 --resolution-level 1 --decimate 0.5 --smooth 1 --max-threads 32 --cuda-device 0 --working-folder data_path/RefineMesh/ --output-file data_path
    Expected behavior
    How to handle it so that RefineMesh goes normally

20:17:29 [App ] CUDA error at /home/xgz/openMVS-2.3.0/libs/Common/UtilCUDA.h:61: kernelImageMeshWarp(size, views[idxImageA].depthMap, views[idxImageB].depthMap, mask, CameraCUDA(cameraA, size), CameraCUDA(cameraB, size)) (CUDA_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ADDRESS (code 700) - an illegal memory access was encountered)
RefineMesh: /home/xgz/openMVS-2.3.0/libs/Common/UtilCUDA.h:65: CUresult SEACAVE::CUDA::__reportCudaError(CUresult, LPCSTR): Assertion `"CudaError" == __null' failed.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Ubuntu
  • Browser [e.g. chrome, safari]
  • Version 2.3.0

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.