
Scripts to concatenate multiple datasets and process them together, for use with population estimation project

Primary LanguagePython


This directory contains work related to downloading and processing all V4 datasets together.

Target applications are Fangqiong's population estimation study and Eric's batch effects business.

What's the plan?

  1. Write down the S3 datasets that correspond to all the V4 regions (manually, using datasets_info.txt from my meta-analysis work).
  2. Download the dataset from S3 mbit bucket
  3. Download the summary file from my almlab bucket
    • or modify it so they're all the same?
    • I think modify it, yeah!
  4. Process the dataset
  5. Grab relevant files...
    • raw_dereplicated.fasta
    • dereplication map
  6. Concatenate the raw_dereplicated fastas
  7. See how big that file is. Hopefully less that 4 G. If not... dereplicate that again!?!
  8. ???
  9. Fix batch effects. Profit.

Processing parameters


We'll be making 97% OTUs and assigning taxonomy with RDP.

I think the goal for processing is to find the lowest common denominator that can work for all datasets. This means that our parameters will likely be super conservative.


Okay. There are 11 V4 datasets.

2 of these started out with fasta's.

1 used max expecte errors filtering (maxee = 2) (t1d_alkanani)

The minimum trim length was 150.

1 was split by barcodes and had primers removed (t1d_mejialeon)


So, I think we should: use max expected errors = 2 trim length = 150

And while we're at it let's make min count = 10 again

Processing workflow

Just run ./download_and_process_datasets.sh S3_V4_datasets.txt and make sure you've copied master_summary_file.txt to data/for_pipeline.

The download_and_process_datasets.sh script:

  1. downloads each dataset from S3
  2. updates its summary file with the right parameters
  3. processes it through the pipeline
  4. copies the resulting *.raw_trimmed.fasta to data/raw_trimmed/
  5. also downloads the corresponding metadata from the almlab bucket, puts it in data/metadata/
  6. concatenates all of the metadata files, into data/for_pipeline/
  7. dereplicates each raw_trimmed file into a raw_dereplicated file, in data/derep_data/
    1. this uses the default min_count = 10, i.e. throws out sequences which had fewer than 10 reads in each dataset
  8. concatenates all of the raw_trimmed fastas into data/derep_data/dereped_datasets_concated.raw_trimmed.fasta
  9. re-dereplicates this file into data/derep_data/dereped_datasets_concated.raw_dereplicated.fasta
    1. this dereplication step uses min_count = 1, i.e. it was in at least one dataset
  10. reorders and relabels the sequence IDs according to total size across all studies in data/derep_data/dereped_datasets_concated.raw_dereplicated.fasta.relabeled_and_sorted
  11. clusters this super de-replicated fasta with usearch
  12. makes OTU table by mapping OTUs back to sequences back to original sequences in datasets

The download_and_process_datasets.sh script calls the other two Python scripts:

  • update_summary_file.py updates a dataset's summary file with the processing parameters (as above)
  • manipulate_metadata_files.py reads through all the metadata files, checks if there are duplicate sample IDs, concatenates all the metadata files, and writes that metadata to data/for_pipeline.
  • dereplicate_individual_datasets.py reads all the *.raw_trimmed.fasta files in data/raw_trimmed/ and dereplicates them with 3.dereplicate.py. It also relabels output files for downstream steps. All outputs go in data/derep_data/.
  • re_provenance_files.py reads through the re-dereplicated fasta and relabels and sorts sequences according to their total size. I should probably call this something different.

Alternate option

You can also concatenate all of the *.raw_trimmed.fasta files into one massive raw_trimmed.fasta. If you use a larger cutoff for MIN_COUNT (e.g. MIN_COUNT = 50), this file can be directly run through the pipeline (with RAW_FASTA_FILE input).

An example summary file is in data/for_pipeline.

A note on metadata

Some samples have 16S data but no metadata. Some samples have metadata but no 16S data. These results are not corrected for these discrepancies (i.e. there are ~2115 samples with metadata, 2418 with 16S data, but only ~2086 with both).