
Contains uboot and kernel source code, there are two kernel versions, one is 3.4.113, the other is 4.9. You can choose different kernel version to build your own image using build scripts

Build H3 image For OrangePi

The OrangePi-Kernel contains Linux kernel sources (3.4.113 and 4.9) adapted for OrangePi H3 boards

  • make 3.4.113 uImage
  • make 4.9 uImage and uboot
  • make rootfs
  • make Image
  • how to install desktop and copy os to emmc

  • make 3.4.113 uImage
cd OrangePI-Kernel                             #首先进入OrangePI-Kernel目录
sudo ./build_linux_kernel.sh clean clean       #clean kernel
sudo ./build_linux_kernel.sh plus              #plus为例,编译kernel,在build/下面生成uImage_OPI-PLUS

  • make 4.9 uImage and uboot
cd OrangePI-Kernel
sudo ./build_mainline_uboot.sh [2 | pc | plus | lite | pc-plus | one | plus2e]
sudo ./build_linux_kernel_mainline.sh clean
sudo ./build_linux_kernel_mainline.sh opi

#mainline uboot的烧录方法
#sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc bs=1k seek=8 count=1015
#sudo dd if=u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/dev/sdc bs=1k seek=8
  • **make rootfs **
cd OrangePi-BuildLinux
vim params.sh                                  #按照需求选择发行版等

repo="http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports"    #需要请打开注释,不需要则注释

sudo ./create_image                            #在当前目录生成boot分区和rootfs分区
  • make Image
sudo ./image_from_dir ./linux-xenial orangepi ext4 opi-plus
#linux-xenial是create_image生成的文件系统分区 orangepi是镜像的名字 ext4是rootfs分区的格式 opi-plus选择板子的型号

sudo ./image_from_dir_mainline ./linux-xenial orangepi ext4 opi

sudo dd bs=4M if=orangepi.img of=/dev/sd*      #安装系统至SD卡
  • how to install desktop and copy os to emmc
fs_resize                                         #First, after BOOTING,to resize linux partition to fill sd card
install_lxde_desktop               #install desktop run,please wait
install_to_emmc                  #install os to emmc