
An extensible cross-platform game engine

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Oak Engine


Oak engine is small game engine aimed at being lightweight, fast and extensible and is still in it's very early stages. Oak engine is written using modern c++ and uses lua as a scripting language, I plan to add bindings for javascript and possibly c# in the future. The engine is designed to use multi-threading at its core and will support vulkan to take full advantage of this. The sandbox folder contains a small demo detailing the use of the engine and a few additional systems.


  • Multi-threaded task manager
  • Event/Messaging system
  • Efficent memory allocation management
  • Component based entity system
  • Lua scripting
  • Prefabs with shared components
  • Opengl 4 renderer
  • Easily extendable

Libraries Used:

Library Site
glad www.github.com/Dav1dde/glad
glfw www.glfw.org
soundio www.libsound.io
lua www.lua.org
glm www.glm.g-truc.net
stb www.github.com/nothings/stb
oail www.assimp.sourceforge.net


Oak engine uses the meson build system

Linux instructions:
sudo apt-get install meson

Or your distros equivalent command.

Then from there you just cd to the directory where the source is located and

mkdir build
cd build
meson ..

I currently don't have access to one of these platform for testing the build on so I dont have the build system working for them. However Oak engine is coded using completely crossplatform code and librarys so it should build without too much trouble.


Coming soon (for now see the main.cpp file in the sandbox folder)