
git tutorial and playground

Primary LanguageMakefile

A short getting started with git tutorial

Intended for a novice audience to be an interactive tutorial.

For each sub-section, attendees should perform the described tasks.


  • Create the html with reveal.js via: make html. The path to reveal.js is hardcoded in the Makefile, please change it to suit your setup, sorry about that.

  • Create a pdf with beamer via: make pdf

Note that you need to have LaTeX and Beamer installed for that.


git as a single user

  1. git as an archive: add, commit

  2. branches and how to merge them: switch, merge, mergetool

  3. how to cancel and revert mistakes: restore, reset

Github and Gitlab, multi-user collaboration

  1. one user, several forks: pull, push

  2. pull requests

  3. Issues and bug reports

  4. introduction to Continuous Integration


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

© Turing Center for Living Systems